- On Feb. 3, 2019, against what opponent did the New England Patriots win a sixth Super Bowl title?
- What does the “O” prefix in Irish names mean?
- What is the only food that never spoils?
- What author of “Leaves of Grass” said, “Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you”?
- On Feb. 4, 1941, the USO was formed, which stands for what?
- How are bonjour, ciao and hola similar?
- What was Beethoven’s last symphony?
- Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as what?
- On Feb. 5, 1631, Puritan Roger Williams, a defender of religious liberty, landed near Boston; what state was he to found?
- Was the White House always white?
- On Feb. 6, 1935, what board game – that had a version in 1904 called The Landlord’s Game – first went on sale?
- How are the Egyptian pyramids at Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia similar?
- February 7 is Safer Internet Day, which began in what union of member states?
- What country consumes the most chocolate per capita: Belgium, Switzerland or USA?
- In 1954 what performer made a commercial for “Southern Maid Donuts” – for a box of hot donuts – several years before he first appeared on national TV?
- In what sport would you find the Fosbury flop?
- On Feb. 8, 1925, in Newton, Mass., who was born who often acted with Walter Matthau?
- What on the body is the fastest growing hair?
- What coastal state has a grizzly on its flag although the last grizzly in the state was spotted in 1924?
- On Feb. 9, 1895, volleyball was invented in what Western Massachusetts city?