- On March 11, 1927, the Roxy Theatre opened with the silent film “The Love of Sunya,” which starred what actress whose name includes a bird’s name?
- What brainy Anglo-Scottish dog breed has a two-word name?
- What was Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel’s first perfume launch?
- On March 12, 1857, in Concord, Mass., what abolitionist spoke who would later be memorialized in a marching song?
- What 1973 dystopian film with a name including a color is set in the year 2022?
- Do toads migrate?
- What sport is focused on in the 1944 film “National Velvet”?
- On March 13, 2020, what sports event was postponed from April 20 to September 14?
- Where was St. Patrick born: Roman Britain, Ireland or Burgundy, France?
- On March 14, 1794, what Massachusetts native patented the cotton gin?
- Do sloths move slowly because they prefer sleeping?
- What is known as “The Emerald Isle”?
- On March 15, 1820, Massachusetts officially lost what state?
- What U.S. government electoral process involves 538 people?
- What word meaning clothes made of denim is derived from the Hindi language?
- On March 16, 1621, reportedly, Samoset befriended the Plymouth Colony pilgrims; why was he able to speak English?
- The world’s fastest public train, the Shanghai Maglev, is powered by what?
- What is the smallest known animal with a backbone: bird, frog or mouse?
- What country earned the most medals at the 2022 Winter Olympics?
- Why does Suffolk County in Massachusetts celebrate Evacuation Day on March 17?