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Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday


Antonio J. Pisaturo (1927-2022)

  Antonio J. Pisaturo was the last man standing – so to speak – hanging around the neighborhood long enough to outlast all the old neighborhood haunts, some cherished friends and family members and a neighborhood tavern or two. Tony passed away recently a week short of his 95th birthday but not after raising his wonderful family in the cozy confines of (the place that’s the best) Edgeworth in Ward 2. A throwback to the days when you found a neighborhood to raise your family then the neighborhood becomes your second family. A man Edgeworth loved and respected, Tony had more charisma than should be allowed. Gone with Tony is a lifetime of memories. Gone with Tony is the history of a neighborhood. Gone with Tony is another small part of our collective lives. That twinkle in his eyes, that quick smile and that gift of gab I will always hold near and dear from this old-school gentleman. Thank the deity of your choice that we have his wonderful children Joanne, Joey and Jeannie to carry on his legacy. Antonio “Tony Pez” Pisaturo would have turned 95 years young on June 14 – the coolest cat that Edgeworth has ever produced, and Edgeworth has produced some pretty cool cats. My sincerest condolences to his whole family. May his memory be a blessing.

  Picked up pieces while waiting for the Red Sox to kick into high gear and make a run…

  • The bike/bus lanes on Route 60. Can we talk?! I’ll just throw this out before I make my prediction: On a recent Thursday night after work, it took me 30 minutes to get from 7 Jackson St. to Robinson’s News in Linden through the set of lights taking a right by Eddy’s Diner – 30 minutes! I’ve driven to West Peabody to see my adorable grandchildren in less time than that after work. So, my prediction; the last time we made a blunder of this proportion was when they made the odious decision to place a City Hall building in the middle of Pleasant Street. I hope I’m wrong, but…
  • Heard “Crazy Little Mama (At My Front Door)” by The El Dorados last week on 88.1 (WMBR’s Lost & Found) and could not help but think of the many nights delighting in North Shore Acappella’s Vinnie Straccia’s version of this Doo Wop classic (“boom, boom, boom” with that sly Vinnie smile). Some tears will never dry. This is one of those times. We miss and love you, Vinnie. “Crazy little mama come knock, knock, knocking, just like she did before.”
  • Have you heard the news? There’s good rockin’ in Malden Square on Saturday nights! Not only do you have some of the finest go-to destinations on the North Shore, such as All Season’s Table, Mystic Station, Exchange Street Bistro, Hugh O’Neill’s and Face’s Brewing, but you now have one more late-night stop in the mix that you will definitely want to check out, especially if you have a sweet tooth. Neil (Sullivan) at Cornucopia Foods on Pleasant Street will now be open on Saturday nights starting June 4! Neil took time out of a busy schedule to tell me, “Cornucopia will be open on Saturday nights beginning on June 4th for desserts, pasta dishes, burgers, our famous sandwiches, salads, and breakfast options and goodness only knows what else I can cook up that night!” Great news for Malden! The chicken kebob wrap I had there last week was outta sight!!
  • Happy May 31 birthday to a longtime friend, City Clerk Greg Lucey. Greg and I shared a locker together in the 7th grade at Beebe Jr. High, spent too many mornings at Schopell’s in Malden Square during high school and played many games of baseball together at Devir Park. Too many memories, all as wonderful as the next. It’s a big one, Luce, but the gray looks good on you! Insert smiley face.
  • Throwback Friday… according to Billy O’Leary’s big brother Bull (O’Leary), Hoss Condon’s big brother (the late) Billy (Condon) was the last Little Leaguer to hit a home run at the old Converse Field. Converse Field was in front of the long-gone Converse Rubber Factory on Pearl Street. In its place today sits Donut Villa, John Brewer’s Tavern and Golden Garden.
  • Bull also says he would take Joe Levine before Cliff Cioffi on his hoop team. Any day!
  • Oh my! One of the most dazzling front yard flower displays must be at (I believe) 20 Holden St. Next time you drive by, take a peek. Beautiful!
  • The newly created cohousing apartment building at the old Legion site is rapidly becoming a thing of beauty – something Malden can be very proud of. That site cleaned up real nice. Looking forward to meeting our new neighbors. A welcome addition to the Pleasant Street landscape – I predict that future tenants will have a profoundly positive effect on Malden.
  • Malden Rec Director Joe Levine has an already impressive resume. Who knew he also had a green thumb?! Kudo’s, Joe, on the fabulous flower bed display on the Route 60 side of the stadium! Looks great – the bed of flowers welcomes visitors to our fine city!
  • Rest in peace, Bill Asaro. “Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.”
  • Congratulations to Malden, Mayor Christenson and whoever else was onboard with $1,000 scholarships for all seniors in Malden. Leading the Commonwealth in thinking outside the box and putting government money to the best use: on the youths of Malden.
  • Mayor Christenson! Please continue to do the right thing. Please continue to base your decisions on common sense, pragmatism and the good judgement you have always used in a very successful career so far. And, as always, please continue to ignore the peanut gallery who claim up is down, black is white and night is day.
  • Who else has noticed the sign for gas at the now closed World Gas Station at the corner of Forest and Main: $2.75 a gallon! Those were the days, my friend.
  • I love M&M Liquor across the street from Murphy Insurance on Route 99 – said in best Tommy Heinsohn voice! Not only because they carry the coldest Ballantine Ale in town but for the cool 2004 Boston Red Sox World Series Champs neon Budweiser signage they have hanging on the wall! Keep up the great work, guys, and thanks for all you guys do.
  • Congratulations to myself on celebrating a milestone birthday on June 3! Raviolis with meatballs, Black Forest cake, Ballantine Ale and the lighting of the Yahrzeit Memorial Candle for my grandpa; forgetaboutit!!
  • Bravo to the City of Malden for naming the City Hall Roof Deck Garden after the honorable Kenneth Desmond, a very good man who brought honor, dignity and integrity to the Malden School Committee when he was elected in 1967.
  • Alma Pizza Kitchen at 637 Broadway… outstanding service! Outstanding chow! I am now a regular!! The roast beef sandwich on an onion roll was one of tastiest sandwiches I’ve had in like, forever (and much better than the big chain roast beef place on Route 1). Forgetaboutit!”

  This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” – I was both humbled and thrilled when this hit my Inbox. Saddened when I read it though, her pain palpable even in the electronic word. Me, Peter Levine of Malden, was to be entrusted with a large sum of money. To invest, as I see fit, for the betterment of mankind. I was not worthy. The plight of this young woman touched my heart and soul. But not my wallet (insert smiley face). For your reading pleasure, I submit to you a plea for help from across the world:

  “Please bear with me. I am writing this letter with tears and sorrow from my heart. Let me use this medium to open a mutual communication with you seeking your acceptance towards investing in your country under your management as my partner, My name is Aisha Gaddafi and presently living in Oman, i am a Widow and single Mother with three Children, the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi) and presently i am under political asylum protection by the Omani Government. I have funds worth ‘Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars’ which I want to entrust to you for investment projects in your country. If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf, kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more details to start the transfer process, I shall appreciate your urgent response through my private email address below.”

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