Dear Editor
As my first year as Revere Election Commissioner comes to a close next month, and with six elections under my belt (two with my predecessor in my first month and four on my own), I want to take a moment to thank the many people who have made things run so well.
First would be my staff. In a City Hall full of talented and hard-working people, they are right at the front of the line.
I also need to acknowledge my Board of Election Commissioners. I couldn’t have done my job over the last year without their unfailing support and encouragement. And I especially want to thank my poll workers – wardens, clerks, and inspectors – who are the frontline workers for Early Voting and on Election Day. They do their jobs with professionalism and a smile, and the voters of Revere are lucky to have them.
We also have wonderful partners outside City government who provide us with polling locations. Special thanks to Point of Pines Yacht Club, Jack Satter House, Carl Hyman Towers, and the Turkish Cultural Center. Our other polling locations are at the Revere schools, and for their assistance I am very grateful to the School Committee, Superintendent Kelly, and the excellent custodian staff at all the building we use.
Finally, and not at all least, I owe special thanks to Mayor Arrigo and his staff, the City Council and the City Clerk, our great DPW workers, and the many in City Hall who support our efforts every day.
These are challenging times for election workers everywhere, both in the aftermath of the pandemic and in a climate of misinformation about the process itself. The Commonwealth passed a broad election reform law earlier this year. The VOTES Act expands access to voting while also ensuring the integrity of the process. It’s frankly a lot more work for the Election Department, but it’s important work and it’s worth it.
Finally, thanks to the voters of Revere for their kindness to me over the past year. I don’t have deep Revere roots like some, but I appreciate being made part of the family in 2022!
Happy holidays to all and best wishes for 2023!
Paul Fahey, MPA
Election Commissioner
City of Revere