Children from preschool-to-9 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon;
Menorah lighting, other activities for Hanukkah, 5-6:30 p.m.
Children from across the city and their families are invited to take part in a multicultural celebration of holiday traditions from around the world this Sunday morning, December 18.
Later Sunday, in the early evening, all residents are invited to take part in the official City of Malden Menorah Lighting, to mark the first day of Hanukkah, an annual celebration by the Jewish faith.
From 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon on Sunday, Malden Reads and the City of Malden are hosting “Celebrating Winter Wonders” at Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant St., Malden.
The morning event is planned for children aged preschool to 9 years old and their families and will include Story Time, Crafts and Songs, including stories read by Santa Claus himself and opportunities for a free photo with Santa.
Also included will be snacks, a photo wall, candles, music, games, “make and take” activities and fun for all. There will also be free books provided for children who are in attendance only by Malden Reads.
The “Celebrating Winter Wonders” event and the Menorah Lighting and celebration Sunday evening, where all can “experience the light, warmth and joy of Hanukkah” are both entirely no cost to all residents of Malden.
The 4th Annual Menorah Lighting will also include Crafts for kids, holiday treats, Goodie Bag, a photo backdrop and plenty more.
The lighting is set for Dec. 18 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., coinciding with the first night of Hanukkah this year. The city is running the event in partnership with the Chabad of the North Shore.
The Malden High School’s Madrigals Singers will provide a musical performance.