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Neighborhood kids spread some Christmas joy among area’s less fortunate people


  A group of 18 kids from six different families that live on Summer Street and Summer Drive collaborated on a neighborhood project to spread some Christmas joy among some needy people. It wasn’t a school project, but one conceived and organized by parents.

  The kids made 200 bagged snacks that were filled with juice, cookies, Goldfish and Pringles and brought them to My Brother’s Table in Lynn on Monday (Dec 19), according to Ashley Panzini, one of the parents. “They wanted to help people in need this holiday season,” Panzini said. “It was a neighborhood thing. We decided to have nothing to do with the schools!!!! We thought the kids would enjoy giving to the less fortunate for the holidays and we were hoping to give them a big shout out in the newspaper!”

  Panzini said this was the first year of the neighborhood kids getting together for a special community project, “but definitely won’t be our last!”

  “They are Neighborhood friends that live on Summer street and Summer Drive in Saugus,” Panzini said.

  “The parents came together to ask the kids what they wanted to do to give back for this holiday season and they decided to feed people who go to My Brother’s Table on Lynn for food. The parents organized it for them and they helped package bags for the people for My Brother’s Table,” she said.

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