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Whip Clark Celebrates Disability Pride Month, Federal Investment in Special Education Services

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WATERTOWN, MA — Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-5) recognized Disability Pride Month with a tour of Perkins School for the Blind’s Watertown Campus. Alongside students and faculty members, Whip Clark discussed how Congress can continue to support Americans with disabilities and celebrated a $15 billion investment in special education that Democrats secured in this year’s federal budget.

“For nearly 200 years, Perkins has opened doors of opportunity — empowering students with a high-quality education and a pathway to independence,” said Whip Clark. “Inspired by Perkins’ life-changing service to children and young adults with disabilities, Democrats are fighting to break down barriers and create a more just, more accessible America for all. With a game-changing $15 billion investment in special education secured through this year’s federal budget, we are moving closer to making that goal a reality.” 

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