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Check-out our Youth Service & Engagement Program!

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Dear Community,

Registration is open for the Fall 2023 session of our Youth Service & Engagement Program (YSEP)! YSEP is a free, educational and volunteer program for students in grades 7-12.

The program runs for nine weeks on Zoom, every Sunday beginning on September 24 at 10:00 a.m.

Students in the program complete a volunteer service project, where they learn tangible ways to make a difference in their community and build skills they can use in their careers and future social justice and service work.

Students will also learn from Housing Families leaders in housing and health advocacy, as well as special guests, and discuss what they learned. This is a great opportunity for students looking to complete volunteer service hours, or for any youth looking to give back. Learn more!

Join this team of impactful young leaders making positive impact in their community. We can’t wait to meet you!

With gratitude,

The YSEP Team

Katie Byers, Allison Wu, and Molly Abrahamson

  Questions? Email Katie at katiepbyers@gmail.com or Molly at mabrahamson@housingfamilies.org

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