Proposal to change ordinance for special election for acting mayor also approved
By Barbara Taormina
The City Council Legislative Affairs Subcommittee tackled some thorny issues at their meeting this week.
With a possible $40 million culvert repair or replacement hanging over the city, Councillor-At-Large Anthony Zambuto proposed creating a stabilization fund for planning and construction of drainage, stormwater and culvert infrastructure. The fund would launch with 20 percent of the city’s free cash, or the budget surplus from 2023.
City CFO Richard Viscay said establishing the fund was a good idea, but he did not support committing 20 percent of the city’s free cash to it. Viscay said the city already has several stabilization funds supported with free cash. Viscay advised leaving the balance of free cash with the city to cover any emergencies or unforeseen expenses as work continues on closing out the fiscal year.
Committee Chairman Paul Argenzio proposed amending the proposal to launching the fund with 10 percent of free cash.
The committee voted to recommend councillors vote to approve the fund, which they did.
Zambuto also proposed several pieces of special legislation that would structure city government. Zambuto proposed that no elected individual should hold an appointment or work for the city. And all elected officials must wait for two years after their terms are completed before being employed by the city.
According to Zambuto, those limits maintain a separation of power and avoid conflicts of interest.
But members of the committee questioned the fairness of the proposed ordinance and said former city official make knowledgeable employees. The committee agreed to keep the proposal in committee and to continue to discuss it at their next meeting.
Zambuto also proposed an ordinance that would change how Revere fills a vacancy in the mayor’s office. If the vacancy occurs during the first year of a term, the first six months of the second year, the third year or the first six months of the fourth year the city clerk will call a special election.
The council will elect one of its own to be Acting Mayor until the new mayor is sworn in. The committee voted to recommend the proposal and the council approved it.