Councillor seeks City Recognition for Day of Remembrance
By Barbara Taormina
This week City Council Vice President Ira Novoselsky connected Revere with the rest of the country and the world by calling for the city to mark the Days of Remembrance when people come together to mourn the six million Jews who were systematically targeted and murdered during the Holocaust, one of the darkest chapters in human history.
“We recommit ourselves to make real the promise of never again,” said Novoselsky. “The charge has never been more urgent since the attack on October 7. While Jews around the world are still coping with the trauma of that attack, we have seen an alarming surge of antisemitism at home and abroad.”
“Any type of hate speech has no place on college campuses or anywhere else in our country. This includes calls for harassment and violence against Jews. As Americans we cannot stay silent while Jews are targeted.
“We hold the Jewish community close to our hearts. In silence, wounds deepen, but in remembrance comes healing and repair.”
Novoselsky called on schools to teach the horror of the Holocaust to students and for all to pause and remember the history.
Council approves Bond Authorization request for new High School
The City Council voted to approve the language of the bond authorization request of $493,217,901 for the new high school, which will go to a public hearing on May 20. Although the city is expecting a significant portion of the cost to be covered by reimbursements from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the city is required to bond the full cost of the school.
Four-year term, hiring amendment approved for Dept. of Public Works Supt.
The City Council approved an amendment to the city ordinance regarding the term of the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works. The Superintendent will be appointed by the Mayor subject to City Council confirmation. The Superintendent will serve a four-year term, the same as the Mayor, until a successor is appointed.
The amendment received a favorable recommendation from the Legislative Affairs Subcommittee.
Legislative Affairs Subcommittee recommends food truck ordinance changes
The Legislative Affairs Subcommittee also recommended changes to the food truck ordinance which were also approved unanimously by the City Council. Changes include striking the following locations: Broadway, east side only north of Cheever Street and south of Hyde Street not to exceed two trucks at any one time. Only one food truck on the Shirley Avenue municipal lot at any one time; only two food trucks allowed on Bennington Street, east side only, at or near Jimmy Kimmerle Park north of Crescent Avenue.
In the section of the ordinance that defines hours of operation, the words two food trucks were changed to allow one food truck. Also, any vehicle used to tow food trucks must be detached and parked in a legal parking space to avoid taking up parking in front of brick-and-mortar businesses.
Mayoral appointments
The City Council referred Mayor Patrick Keefe’s nomination of Deborah Frank to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board to the Appointments Subcommittee for review.
Veteran’s Affairs request Memorial Poles for three vets
The council approved Director of Veterans Affairs Nicholas Bua’s request for Memorial poles for Henry “Rico” Meoli, US Air Force and Army Airborne, Daniel Singer, US Navy, Korea, and Rosario J. Spagnolo, Army, Vietnam.