By Barbara Taormina
The City Council celebrated National Women’s Equality Day, August 26, which marks the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, by installing a plaque in the City Council Chambers that recognizes the women, past and present, who have served and serve on the City Council. City Clerk Ashley Melnik read the names of the women being honored beginning with Margaret “Peggy” O’Hara, the first woman to serve on the council. Rita Singer, Elvira “Vera” Curcio, Catherine Penn, Linda Santos Rosa, Denise Salemi, Jessica Giannino, Joanne McKenna, Angela Guarino-Sawaya and Michelle Kelly were also honored and included on the plaque.
State Representative Giannino was unable to attend the City Council meeting, but she sent a video thanking the city and congratulating the other women who were honored. She said she looked forward to seeing the next generation of women step up to help lead the city.
Fellow male councillors gushed about their female colleagues past and present. Councillors Paul Argenzio and Chris Giannino recalled working with some of the women who have served in the past and said it was a great experience. Councillor Robert Haas referred to them as trailblazers.
Councillor Anthony Zambuto said the honor goes not only to women who were elected to serve but also to those appointed to various positions, and particularly to City Clerk Melnick, who planned the plaque and its installation. Zambuto said Melnik was the best City Clerk in the state. “She’s the best in the business,” he said.
Take Care of the Beach
Councillor-at-Large Michelle Kelley presented a motion that the mayor request DCR to do some much-needed work and repairs on Revere Beach Boulevard, such as tending to wall erosion and rusting lamp posts that could use a new coat of paint.
Ban Mechanical Parking
The council approved a motion from Councillor-at-Large Michelle Kelley repealing the ordinance that allows the installation of mechanical parking systems. Kelly said, and other councillors agreed, that the systems are intrusive, noisy and inefficient. Councillors also said developers promise the systems to meet parking requirements but then fail to deliver them. The council agreed they are not a good fit for Revere.
Quiet Down
City councillors supported Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya’s motion that the city’s Policy writer, the police and the city’s inspectional services dept. draft an updated and enforceable noise ordinance.
Adopt an Island
Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna’s motion to request the mayor to reinstate the adopt an island program, which would have local businesses support the landscaping and maintenance of the city’s traffic Islands, received praise and support from fellow city councillors.
Remembering Chris Alba
The council unanimously supported a motion from Councillors Joanne McKenna and Marc Silvestri to name the garden area at Leach Park the Chris Alba Memorial Garden in recognition of Alba’s tireless work with Revere’s homeless population.
Welcome Aboard
The council approved the following appointments and reappointments: Rocky Graziano will serve on the Cultural Council. William Reedy is reappointed to the Council on Elder Affairs. Mary Vigliotta is also reappointed to the Council on Elder Affairs. Arthur Pelton is reappointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Thomas Carlton is appointed to the Conservation Commission. Amelia Viscay was also appointed to the Conservation Commission.
Slowing Down Yeamans and Prospect
Ward 4 Councillor Paul Argenzio filed a motion to install speed bumps in the vicinity of 74 Yeamans St. and 130 Prospect Ave. The motion was referred to the Traffic Commission.
Get Out Your skates
Councillor-at-Large Robert Haas filed a motion that the city investigate a location for a skate park and explore grants and partnerships to fund its installation.
Adam’s Street Study
Councillors supported Council President Anthony Cogliandro’s motion to conduct a traffic study of Adam’s Street in regards to potentially changing it to a one-way street.
Parking on Beach Street
Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky filed a motion that the city allow parking on Beach Street between Kimball Avenue and North Shore Road now that the MBTA has eliminated the 411 bus stop.
Traffic Troubles at Revere High
Councillors supported Council President Anthony Cogliandro’s motion that a traffic and safety study be conducted to combat continual moving violations on the streets surrounding the high school. Those streets include East Mountain Avenue, Carey Avenue, School Street and True Street.
Protect Revere Wildlife
The council agreed with Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna’s motion that the city use a less invasive rodent poison when baiting traps. Residents have reported that the wildlife chain is being affected and the poison is killing off hawks, coyotes, squirrels, owls and household dogs and cats. A less invasive poison would protect wildlife and pets and would be of equal cost.
Council Portrait Gallery
Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya presented a motion to install portraits of Margaret “Peggy” O’Hara and Elvira “Vera” Curcio in honor of their service to the City as members of the City Council. The proposal was referred to the Appointments and Recognition Subcommittee.