Superintendent Hashem says district school officials are “encouraged” that Saugus is improving in the area of student growth
By Mark E. Vogler
Schools Superintendent Michael Hashem said he is optimistic about the direction in which Saugus Public Schools are headed following this week’s release of the latest Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test results. “We are encouraged to see that the Student Growth Percentile [SGP]in Saugus is improving,” Hashem said in a statement to The Saugus Advocate this week in response to the latest MCAS scores released by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
“As a district, our overall SGP in ELA was up 2% compared to the state average which was down 6.7%. Similarly, the SGP in math was up 3.3% from last year, while the state average went down 2.9%.
The MCAS results showed these overall trends this year compared to last year statewide:
- Science scores increased in grades 5 and 10 and decreased in grade 8.
- Compared to 2023, the percentage of students scoring Meeting or Exceeding Expectations in math remained the same in grades 3-8. The percentage of students who scored Meeting or Exceeding Expectations in grade 10 decreased 2 percentage points.
- English language arts scores decreased in 2024 as compared to 2023.
“After reviewing the released MCAS data, Saugus, as a district, experienced similar trends as the state with declines in the percentage of students meeting/exceeding in ELA and science,” Hashem said.
“However, at the district level our decline in ELA was 5% and in science 4% while the state declined 13% in both categories. Our percentage of students meeting/exceeding in the district for math went up 1% versus the state decreasing 8%,” he said.
The 2024 Official Accountability Report for Saugus compiled by DESE showed the town’s school district was classified as “not requiring assistance or intervention” because, like a year ago, it was evaluated as making “Moderate Progress toward targets.” However, DESE, in its overall classification of the Saugus Middle School determined that it’s “requiring assistance or intervention” and was in need of “focused/targeted support.” The DESE report released this week showed the accountability percentile for the Saugus Middle School had dipped from 17 percent last year to 14 percent. An accountability percentile between 1 and 99 is reported for most schools.
The accountability percentile for the Belmonte STEAM Academy dropped from 45 to 37, while the accountability percentile for Saugus High School dropped from 24 to 21.
“As a district and as schools, we will dig deeper into the results to reflect on specific areas in need of improvement and provide resources available to meet those needs,” Hashem said in his statement to the newspaper.
“We will continue the implementation of High Quality Instructional Materials across the district which we know can significantly improve student outcomes for all students. We are also aware of the need for improved attendance, as the impact that it has on student learning,” he said.
“We echo the words of Russell D. Johnston, acting commissioner of elementary and secondary education, when he stated: ‘We know that consistent attendance is the key to learning, and we’ll continue to work with schools and districts to help them connect with students and families, make schools welcoming places, and offer students interactive, real-world, and engaging lessons.’ As is always the case, we are committed to provide our students with a safe, positive, and nurturing learning environment, so as to prepare them for college and career.”
The future of the MCAS in testing students is uncertain, as voters are just weeks away from considering Question 2 on the November election ballot, which would eliminate the test as a high school graduation requirement.
Here’s how Saugus Public Schools compared this year to last year in meeting or exceeding expectations, by grade and subject.
GRADE 3 2023 2024
English Language Arts 44 31
Mathematics 42 40
English Language Arts 32 33
Mathematics 31 42
English Language Arts 35 28
Mathematics 38 33
Science and Tech/Eng 41 33
English Language Arts 21 22
Mathematics 20 21
English Language Arts 21 16
Mathematics 19 15
English Language Arts 31 25
Mathematics 38 39
Science and Tech/Eng 27 21
English Language Arts 52 47
Mathematics 44 43
Science and Tech/Eng 43 39
English Language Arts 31 26
Mathematics 31 32
GRADES 5 & 8
Science and Tech/Eng 34 27