Town Manager Crabtree says sidewalk improvements continue to be a top priority for his administration
Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree calls this “a banner year” for sidewalk improvement projects that he says will “benefit pedestrian safety and make it easier for walkers to navigate around town.”
In 2024, the Town of Saugus repaired, replaced or installed 1,645 linear feet of asphalt sidewalks and 615 linear feet of concrete sidewalks, Crabtree’s office noted in a press release issued this week.
“It’s critical to maintain a commitment to investing in improvements to town sidewalks,” Crabtree said.
“New sidewalks make it easier for residents to safely walk around town and provide a substantial betterment to our community. As town manager, I will continue to prioritize sidewalks as infrastructure improvements year after year,” he said. Town Manager Crabtree stressed the importance of continually prioritizing and addressing sidewalk repairs to ensure the safety of pedestrians and to beautify the town’s streets.
Crews completed sidewalk improvements on portions of Parkway Drive, Oaklandvale Avenue, Gilway Street, Cheever Drive, Viking Road, Holden Avenue, Tuttle Street, Saville Street, Brookfield Terrace, Lincoln Avenue, Pemberly Drive, Birch Street, Bristow Street, Sunnyside Park, Heritage Lane, Maraia Lane, Birch Pond Drive, Susan Drive, Pearl Street, Jane Drive, Appleton Street, McIntyre Street, Jones Drive, Pillings Road, Prankers Drive, Cleveland Avenue, Foster Street, Springdale Avenue, Granite Avenue, Myrtle Street, Laurel Street, Winter Street, Auburn Street, Essex Street, Dreeme Street, Palmer Avenue, Richard Street and more.
The Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee and Town Meeting support and allocate funding annually to repair and replace concrete and asphalt sidewalks.