The Conservation Commission is recommending the city accept six parcels of land on Naples Road for conservation commission.
The land at 195-200 Naples Road is being donated by John Festa of Festa Construction. Conservation Commissioner Nicholas Rudolph said he recently walked the property and saw no reason for the city not to accept the donation.
“There is no significant dumping,” he said. “There are a few pieces of trash here and there, but no considerable reason why we shouldn’t accept this from Festa Construction.”
It will now be up to the City Council to officially accept the land donation.
In other business, the commission approved a notice of intent for Irving Oil to make additional repairs to its marine terminal at 41 Lee Burbank Highway. The work consists mainly of new encasings for the pylons and some repairs to the timber decks.
The marine terminal is used by barges making deliveries to the oil tanks.
The commission also determined that the Boston Gas Company will not have to file for approvals for a gas main installation along 525 feet of Lynn Street in Revere.
The gas main project is part of a larger 1,740-foot project that will extend into Malden. Boston Gas officials said the project is in the floodplain, but that the area is already entirely paved road, and that there will be no permanent impacts, alterations, or grade changes as a result of the project.
The project is slated to begin next April and last for several weeks.
The commission approved a notice of intent for Target to replace its existing parking lot asphalt at 36 Furlong Drive.
The majority of the project will be milling of the existing asphalt parking lot, keeping the subbase intact and replacing the pavement section. There are no plans to enlarge the parking lot.
There is one existing low spot in the front of the parking lot that will be regraded to help prevent the ponding of water.
The work could begin later this fall if a contractor is found, or it could be pushed back to next spring.
There will be erosion and sediment control measures in place to make sure there is no dirty stormwater running off into the adjacent wetlands.