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Everett Volume 47 – Report No. 30

Beacon Hill Roll Call

Volume 47 – Report No. 30

July 25-31, 2022

Copyright © 2022 Beacon Hill Roll Call. All Rights Reserved.

By Bob Katzen 

   GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 22,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and influence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications selected by widely acclaimed and highly experienced writers Keith Regan and Matt Murphy who introduce each article in their own clever and inimitable way.

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   THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records representatives’ and senators’ votes on roll calls from the 7-day period of Monday, July 25 to Sunday, July 31. The House and Senate held lengthy sessions. Beacon Hill Roll Call will continue to report on the dozens of roll calls over the next few reports.

   While the House and Senate approved many bills, one measure that stood out was a bill that didn’t get approved. The House and Senate had previously approved different versions of a $4.57 billion economic development package which included some $1 billion in tax relief — $500 million in one-time tax rebates and $500 million for several permanent tax cuts. A conference committee was working on hammering out a compromise version but talks stalled because of the recent “discovery” of 62F, a 1986 law approved by the voters. That law requires that tax revenue above a certain amount collected by the state go back to the taxpayers. It is estimated that the 1986 law would return $2.5 billion in fiscal year 2022 revenue to Massachusetts taxpayers.

  The conference committee did not act on the economic development bill so the $1 billion in tax relief is still bottled up in the conference committee. In the meantime, legislators are discussing the $3 billion windfall. Some legislators favor repealing the law which has only been used once since 1986. Others say the law should not be repealed and the $2.5 billion should go back to taxpayers.

   House Speaker Ron Mariano (D-Quincy) said last Friday that he would consider all courses of action, up to and including altogether scrapping the $2.5 billion in tax relief. “Sure, it’s an option,” Mariano told reporters when asked if lawmakers would consider undoing the trigger enshrined 62F. “Everything’s on the table. We could undo the law, we could change it, we could postpone.”

   But three days later on Monday, Mariano said that 62F is the law of the land and it’s going to happen. “The governor has said it’s the law of the land and that’s worth, he thinks, $2.5 billion but he’s not even sure, and he thinks he can get it out this year. So I think that’s an important return to the taxpayers.”


   Gov. Baker said that he thinks that both the $1 billion and the $2.5 billion are affordable in tandem.

  “CLT’s tax cap law (Chapter 62F) is still working exactly as designed and intended,” said Chip Ford, executive director of Citizens for Limited Taxation, which put the tax cap proposal on the 1986 ballot.  “That it was triggered only once in 1987 before now isn’t a bug but a feature.  Nobody can say with a straight face that multi-billions of dollars of excess revenue raked in over the past two years should remain with the state and not be returned to those from whom it was unnecessarily extracted.”

   “Let’s face it, the Speaker and Senate President have never had any record on giving back money to the taxpayers, so early morning news that they failed to act once again should surprise no one,” said Paul Craney, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance. “Instead of spending the last few days passing tax relief, they spent them trying to hold onto as much taxpayer money as humanly possible. Despite record tax collections, Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka have proven once again they are so greedy, they rather scrap an entire economic development bill than having to give even a penny more back to taxpayers.”


   House 137-16, Senate 40-0, approved and Governor Charlie Baker signed into law a bill designed to further protect reproductive health care and those who perform abortions in the Bay State. The measure specifically declares that both reproductive health care and gender-affirming care are rights secured by the constitution or laws of Massachusetts and would shield providers of reproductive and gender-affirming care and their patients from out-of-state legal action. The measure would ensure that patients over 24 weeks of pregnancy are able to receive an abortion in Massachusetts because of a grave fetal diagnosis that indicates the fetus is incompatible with sustained life outside of the uterus without extraordinary medical interventions and requires that those decisions are made between the patient and their treating physician.

   Other provisions include preventing the state’s cooperation with anti-abortion and anti-gender-affirming care laws in other states; mandating health insurance coverage for abortion and abortion-related care with no cost-sharing; ensuring access to emergency contraception; and providing confidentiality to providers of reproductive and gender-affirming care;  clarifying that vending machines may dispense over-the-counter drugs, such as Plan B – the “morning after” pill; and  ensuring access to medication abortion on all public college and university campuses.

    “Massachusetts remains steadfast in its commitment to protect access to reproductive health care services, especially in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade,” said Gov. Charlie Baker. “The court’s decision has major consequences for women across the country who live in states with limited access to these services, and our administration took quick action in the hours following that decision by issuing an Executive Order to protect access here in the commonwealth. This new legislation signed today builds on that action by protecting patients and providers from legal interference from more restrictive laws in other states.”

   “Everyone deserves the right to decide whether and when to start a family, no matter where they live, how much money they make, or who they are,” said  Carol Rose, executive director of the ACLU of Massachusetts. “But across half the states, millions of people are in danger of losing that right after the Supreme Court’s shameful decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. As extremist politicians in other states move to ban or severely restrict abortion, Massachusetts lawmakers have stepped up to meet the moment and lead in the other direction, passing a historic law that makes care more affordable and available.”

   “With this bill, the Legislature gave Planned Parenthood a blank check to rewrite our commonwealth’s abortion laws, and Gov. Baker signed it for them,” said Andrew Beckwith, executive director of the Massachusetts Family Institute.  “Beacon Hill is working to make Massachusetts a regional hub for late term abortion and to undermine every pro-life law in the nation.”

   “In the face of an increasing amount of anti-abortion and anti-gender-affirming care laws enacted across the country, Massachusetts continues to serve as a national leader in protecting these essential rights with the passage of this legislation,” said Sen. Cindy Friedman (D-Arlington),  the lead sponsor of the measure and Senate chair of the Committee on Health Care Financing. “We must do everything we can to protect the rights of our providers, patients and visitors to the commonwealth.

   “As a candidate for governor in 2014, Charlie Baker was sold as a Bill Weld style Republican—socially liberal but fiscally conservative,” said Catholic Action League Executive Director C.J. Doyle. “The abortion expansion bill which he signed … imposes new burdens on taxpayers and business owners, increases the scope of government—with state colleges now dispensing Plan B abortion pills—and denies personal freedom of choice for those opposed to abortion. There is no conscience clause for pharmacists, business owners or non-profit organizations, and the religious exemption is so narrowly drawn that most Catholic educational institutions will not qualify under it. Baker’s legacy on this legislation is one of higher spending, bigger government, and less personal freedom.”

   “In the face of five individuals on our Supreme Court deciding to allow states to treat women as second-class citizens by denying them the federal right to control their own bodies, I am proud that we in Massachusetts instead have reaffirmed that women do indeed have equal rights and privacy interests that we will always defend,” said Rep. Mike Day (D-Stoneham), House Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary. “This bill tells other states who would roll back women’s rights that their laws will have no effect on our residents, that we will protect our health professionals who offer legal health care services and that the decision to have a child will not be dictated by a state law or access to healthcare.”

   “Gov. Baker wasted no time in signing the expanded abortion bill … into law on Friday,” said Patricia Stewart, executive director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. “Disappointing as this news is, it only strengthens our resolve to work to pass protective pro-life measures that will safeguard women facing unplanned pregnancies and their unborn children from the insatiable, abortion-hungry apostles of death in this commonwealth. We must elect pro-life legislators with the courage to stand up for their convictions and the confidence to affirm publicly that every life is sacred. This goal may seem beyond reach in Massachusetts, but we fight on the side of the angels. So take heart, we have just begun.”

   (A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A “No” vote is against the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


   House 151-2, Senate 36-4, approved and sent to Gov. Baker a bill that would legalize sports betting on professional and college sports for Massachusetts residents over 21 years old. Betting on Massachusetts colleges and universities would not be allowed unless the school is playing in a tournament like March Madness. The betting would be regulated by the Gaming Commission, the same commission that regulates the state’s casino gambling.

   “Once signed by the governor, this new law will open a new industry for our commonwealth, creating jobs and economic growth,” said sponsor Sen. Eric Lesser (D-Longmeadow). “It will also safeguard consumers and athletes with some of the strongest protections in the country while maintaining the integrity of sports.”

   “The Massachusetts Legislature just pulled out all the stops, suspended several rules, and pulled an epic all-nighter to legalize sports betting,” said Rep. Mike Connolly (D-Cambridge). And yet, important housing justice provisions such as local rent stabilization, right to counsel in eviction and foreclosure matters, local option real estate transfer fees to support the production of affordable housing, tenant opportunity to purchase legislation, and eviction records sealing provisions) were all left for dead. As a product of public housing and a longtime renter, this makes me question our priorities. While I recognize there’s a compelling case in support of legalized sports betting and didn’t want to kill the bill, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable at how gambling was a “must do” this session but so many other urgent issues were either lesser priorities or ignored entirely.”

   “Massachusetts residents are passionate about their sports. This legislation will allow fans to bet on their favorite teams but do so in a regulated manner that promotes responsible gaming, while bringing in millions of dollars of revenue that has been going to our neighboring states or to illegal online operators and bookies,” said Rep. Jerry Parisella (D-Beverly), House Chair of the Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies.

  “For those who are vulnerable to gambling addiction and their families, the legalization of sports betting and the coming onslaught of gambling-related advertising will have devastating consequences,” said  Senate Majority Leader Cynthia Creem (D-Newton). “And for everyone else, sports betting still amounts to a regressive tax—one that will redistribute wealth from working people to the biggest players in the gambling industry. I’m also concerned about the effect that this law will have on amateur college athletes, who will face additional scrutiny, pressure, and temptation. Higher education leaders in the commonwealth have been clear that allowing wagering on collegiate contests will harm student athletes.” 

   (A “Yes” vote is for the bill. A “No” vote is against the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


   House 153-0, Senate 39-0, approved and sent to Gov. Baker a bill that would accelerate improvements to local and regional public health systems across the state to address disparities in public health services by requiring the Department of Public Health to enshrine a set of standards for foundational public health services. The measure creates minimum public health standards for every city and town; incentivizes municipalities to share services; creates a uniform data collection and dedicates state funding to support local boards of health and health departments.


   “With the passage of this legislation, a person’s zip code will no longer determine the public health protections that they are afforded and local public health officials will have the resources they need to do their jobs,” said Senate sponsor Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Northampton).

   “All residents should be able to expect high-quality public health services regardless of where they live,” said Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland). “This legislation puts into practice the lessons learned during the pandemic by increasing support for local boards of public health and ensuring that all communities in the commonwealth are well prepared to respond to public health challenges.”

   “The Legislature has focused on public health in a comprehensive, deliberative process since 2015 with the establishment of a special commission,” said House  sponsor Rep. Denise Garlick (D-Needham). “The Special Commission’s 2019 report exposed the fractures in local public health, and the covid public health crisis only magnified those inequities. The bill provides the tools and direction to move local and regional public health forward.”

   (A “Yes” vote is for the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


   House 153-0, Senate 40-0, approved and sent to the governor a bill that would make major changes to the oversight and governance structure of the state’s veterans’ homes in Holyoke and Chelsea. The proposal follows the deaths of 77 veteran residents in 2020 as a result of a COVID-19 outbreak at the Holyoke facility. A key provision would elevate the Department of Veterans Services to a cabinet-level executive office with direct reporting to the governor and the ability to hire and fire superintendents.

   Other provisions include requiring superintendents of the two soldiers’ homes to be licensed as nursing home administrators and that they oversee day-to-day management and operation of the homes; requiring two annual home inspections by the Department of Health; creating an independent Office of the Veteran Advocate; maintaining local Board of Trustees and creating a statewide advisory Veterans’ Home Council.

   “This legislation contains important improvements that will benefit the men and women who have served our nation and will reside at our commonwealth’s Veterans’ Homes for the years to come,” said Sen. John Velis (D-Westfield).  “At the same time, we know that this work must continue. The working group established will allow us to have oversight over this implementation, to identify what we need to improve on further, and to continue to work to ensure that the tragedy that took place at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home never happens again.”

   “The Senate has been clear that we must rethink how we deliver care to veterans of every generation across Massachusetts and ensure that our veterans are connected to their communities,” said Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland). “We are mindful that issues and circumstances may arise that compel additional thought, reassessment and legislative action and that work will continue. To that end, I am creating a Senate working group, chaired by Sen.  John Velis, to review implementation of this important bill, identify and act on issues that may arise requiring additional legislation, and work with the administration to ensure the reforms contained within are implemented as the Legislature intended.”

    (A “Yes” vote is for the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


   House 153-0, Senate 39-0, approved  and sent to Gov. Baker legislation that would support military families who relocate to the Bay State by providing career stability for the spouses of service members and education for their children. 

   Provisions include making it easier for military personnel and their spouses who move to the Bay State to get a Massachusetts professional license, if their job requires one, so that they can continue their civilian careers and provide for their families without interruption; requiring the Commissioner of Education to issue a military spouse a valid certificate for teaching if he or she holds a valid teaching license from another state; allowing children of military members to register and enroll in a school district at the same time it is open to the general population by waiving the proof of residency requirement until the student actually begins school; creating a purple-star campus designation for certain schools that are military-kid friendly and show a major commitment to students and families connected to the nation’s military; and requiring that a child or spouse of an active-duty service member in Massachusetts continue to pay the in-state, less expensive tuition rate at state universities even if the service member is assigned to move out of the state.

   “Our veterans are the best and bravest among us, and while we can never truly repay them for their service to this country, veterans are more than deserving of continued support from those in public office,” said House Speaker Ron Mariano (D-Quincy). “I’m proud that today, with the best interest of our veterans in mind, the Legislature passed legislation that responds to immediate needs in the veteran community such as access to school enrollment for military families that have recently relocated to Massachusetts, and that establishes health education awareness programs and additional acknowledgements of military service, among other provisions.”

   “The [bill] is a momentous piece of legislation that that will improve the lives of every single service-member, veteran and military family member who resides in our state, now and in the future,” said Sen. John Velis (D-Westfield), the Senate Chair of the Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “The legislation supports our military families in their transition to Massachusetts, introduces new benefits and services for veterans and National Guard members, and expands the ways our commonwealth recognizes the sacrifices of those who have served.” 

   “The Legislature has made veterans issues a priority from the start of the session,” said Rep. Paul McMurtry (D-Dedham), House Chair of the Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “ It’s a great honor to chair the Veterans Committee and bring a great deal of pride to the House as we continue the commonwealth’s long history of recognizing veterans and their families.”

    (A “Yes” vote is for the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


    House 153-0, Senate 39-0, approved and sent to the governor an $11.3 billion transportation and infrastructure package that includes $1.375 billion for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) modernization and $1.27 billion for non-federally aided roads and bridges.


   Other provisions include $114 million for airport improvements; $25 million for municipal road pavement improvements; $20 million for municipalities under the Complete Streets Funding Program; $25.5 million for the Mobility Assistance Program; mandating the MBTA to establish a 3-year safety improvement plan with measurable safety objectives; and directing the MBTA to contract with an independent third-party auditor to conduct annual safety audits.

   “This transportation bond bill provides Massachusetts with the key to unlock once-in-a-generation federal funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” said Sen. Brendan Crighton (D-Lynn), the Senate chair of the Committee on Transportation. “With these combined state and federal investments, we will be able to complete vital work on our highways, roads, bridges and public transportation systems, improving mobility for all residents of the commonwealth.”

   “Not only does this bill fund much-needed transportation repairs for all modes and communities, but it also goes much further to invest in infrastructure that is more modern, environmentally sustainable, and regionally equitable,” said Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland). “The support for electric vehicles, regional transportation authorities, MBTA safety investments, low-income fares on public transit, expanded East-West connectivity and many other initiatives in this bill will benefit residents, visitors and businesses throughout Massachusetts.”

  (A “Yes” vote is for the bill).

Rep. Joseph McGonagleYes                                     Sen. Sal DiDomenico Yes                                     


  PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST A PERSON WITH A NATURAL HAIRSTYLE  (S 2796) – Gov. Baker signed into law a bill that would make Massachusetts the 18th state in the nation to prohibit any person or entity including educational institutions, workplaces and public spaces from implementing any policy that would explicitly target someone who wears their natural hairstyle. The measure defines natural hairstyle as hair texture, hair type and protective hairstyles including braids, locks, twists and other formations. 

      “On the long march toward justice, and especially racial justice, the Senate’s unanimous passage of this legislation marks another step forward,” said Sen. Jason Lewis (D-Winchester) when the Senate approved the bill before sending it to the governor. “We would not be at this point without the great courage and strength of Mya and Deanna Cook, who as 15-year-old students faced discrimination and abuse from their high school for their hairstyles, and bravely stood up for their rights and those of so many other Black women.”

   “This is a classic example, in many respects, of a citizen movement started by a very small number of people in which the right thing to do became clearer and clearer the longer the discussion went on,” Baker said upon signing the bill. “I am very glad that this made its way to our desk by the end of the session. I normally, as everybody knows, don’t comment on legislation that’s pending because it has the nasty tendency to change as it works its way through the process, but I said months ago that I hoped this would make it to my desk and I would be able to sign it and I’m very glad this is our first post-pandemic signing ceremony.”


ADOPT ANIMALS USED IN RESEARCH – “THE BEAGLE BILL” (S 2992) – The House and Senate approved  and sent to Gov. Baker a bill that would require research labs to make every effort to offer healthy animals up for adoption by registered non-profit animal rescue organizations rather than euthanizing them when the research is done.

   According to supporters, more than 60,000 dogs—almost all beagles—and nearly 20,000 cats, are used each year for animal experimentation in the United States to advance scientific research and to test cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other household products. Currently, many research labs choose to automatically euthanize these cats and dogs once their experiments are over.


   “The Senate has repeatedly and steadfastly supported this legislation which is intended to give research animals an opportunity to be adopted after they have ended their service in research facilities,” said  Senate sponsor Sen. Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester).  “Dogs and other animals involved in research are making tremendous sacrifices to save our lives and make us healthier. It is important to recognize our humane obligation to them because we have a moral imperative to give them the opportunity for better lives when their research involvement is done.”

  “We are so thrilled to have this bill enacted after five years of consideration,” said Cara Zipoli of the Beagle Freedom Project. “We look forward to developing partnerships between our research and animal welfare communities to ensure as many dogs and cats find loving homes as possible.”

   NEGRO ELECTION DAY (S 2703) – On July 22, Gov. Baker signed into law legislation establishing the third Saturday in July as Negro Election Day. The third Saturday in July this year was July 16 which had already passed by the time Baker signed the bill. So the day passed without it officially being Negro Election Day. The Legislature approved and sent the bill to the governor on July 14, just two days ahead of the 16th.  

   The holiday commemorates a historically important event that has taken place in the Bay State since the 18th century. It began when enslaved African-Americans would hold an election of a king or governor as an act of civic engagement and self-governance. The annual celebration began to take place on the 3rd Saturday of July during World War II when many African Americans were engaged in our nation’s critical war effort. 

    “This annual celebration demonstrates that our communities of color have always been engaged in our commonwealth’s civic process,” said sponsor Sen. Joan Lovely (D-Salem). “We must continue to commemorate the meaningful milestones African-Americans have contributed to Massachusetts and our nation today and in all the days going forward.”

   POACHING (S 2993) – The House and Senate approved and sent to Gov. Baker a measure that would regulate poaching—the illegal hunting that harms or kills wildlife including fish, birds, mammals and endangered or threatened species. Other provisions elevate the fines and penalties for poaching; align Massachusetts poaching regulations with other states; and bring Massachusetts into the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, which helps states to work together to prevent illegal hunting across state lines.

   Supporters said that it has been close to 100 years since many of the commonwealth’s anti-poaching laws were last updated and noted the absence of action on these laws has resulted in weak, outdated penalties that are just a slap on the wrist. “This legislation finally brings our laws, fines and penalties in line with other states,” said sponsor Sen. Michael Moore (D-Millbury).  “It also brings Massachusetts into the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, a nationwide law enforcement network that allows our wildlife protection agencies to share information about poachers with other states. With the passage of this legislation, Massachusetts is making it clear that we will no longer be a safe haven for those who wish to do harm to our wildlife, marine life and ecosystems.”

   UNDERGROUND RAILROAD MUSEUM (H 5096) – The House approved and sent to the Senate a bill creating a special commission to study the creation of an underground railroad, civil rights and black heritage museum in Springfield. The measure says the museum will serve as “a catharsis important to alleviate some of the lingering negative effects of the institution of slavery and the discrimination practiced against African Americans,  which had state and federal governmental statutory sanction.” It also notes the bill is designed to enhance regional tourism  and attract conferences and conventions to the city of Springfield. 

  Rep. Bud Williams (D-Springfield), the sponsor of the measure, did not respond to repeated requests from Beacon Hill Roll Call to comment on his bill.


   “There is a food truck outside where the food is free for the senators and staff. The Senate will be in a recess.”

   —Sen. Will Brownsberger (D-Belmont) while presiding over the Senate Sunday afternoon, announcing that a Roxy’s Grilled Cheese truck is on Bowdoin Street just outside the Statehouse.

   “This new research builds on what we have long suspected – Massachusetts is not building enough housing to meet demand. Massachusetts must ease barriers to construction and promote pro-housing policies to meet this demand. Doing so will incentivize construction, lower prices, and help us address the state’s housing crisis.”

   —Greg Vasil, CEO of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board on a new analysis that shows the Greater Boston Metro Area must develop approximately 42,151 apartment units by 2035 to meet projected demand. 

   “Not only was Bill Russell professionally and personally successful, he used this success to advocate on behalf of others and to call out injustice in many forms. Both on basketball courts and in the court of public opinion, Russell changed our country for the better.”

   —Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland) on the death of Boston Celtics great Bill Russell.

   “Massachusetts’ vibrant tourism and cultural sectors in cities and towns across the state continue to play a key role in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. By making necessary upgrades to these facilities, the Destination Development grants will bolster the commonwealth’s travel and tourism industry and support continued economic growth.”

   —Gov. Baker on the awarding of $2.2 million in grants from the Destination Development Capital program which provides funding for projects that expand, construct, restore or renovate Massachusetts tourism destinations and attractions.

   HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been filed. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozen  s of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session.

   During the period of July 25-31, the House met for a total of 39 hours and 55 minutes and the Senate met for a total of 45 hours and 44 minutes.

Mon.   July 25     House  11:09 a.m.to  12:39 p.m.           

                   Senate 11:22 a.m. to  1:34 p.m.  

Tues.  July 26     House  11:03 a.m. to   4:46 p.m.

                   Senate  1:14 p.m. to   5:26 p.m.

Wed.   July 27     No House session

                   No Senate session

Thurs. July 28     House  11:00 a.m. to   5:45 p.m.                   

                   Senate  1:05 p.m. to   6:32 p.m.

Fri.  July  29     House  11:01 a.m. to   6:42 p.m.                   

                   Senate  1:10 p.m. to   6:45 p.m.

Sat.  July  30     House  11:01 a.m. to   5:10 p.m.                   

                   Senate 12:20 p.m. to   5:38 p.m.

Sun.  July  31     House  12:03 a.m. to  10:10 a.m.(Monday morning August 1)                   

                   Senate 11:13 a.m. to  10:13 a.m.(Monday morning August 1)

   Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bo*@be****************.com  Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019.

   Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bo*@be****************.com  Bob founded Beacon Hill Roll Call in 1975 and was inducted into the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) Hall of Fame in 2019.

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