Special to The Advocate
Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi was recently informed by Lt. James Gabriel, President of NEPBA, Local 95 that the E-Board of the Everett Police Supervisors Union, NEPBA Local 95, had voted unanimously to support his reelection campaign for Ward 6 City Councillor.
According to the letter, “We do this because you have proven yourself willing to listen to our concerns and needs. This openness on your part has allowed us to provide the citizens of Everett with the very best level of public safety that we can provide,” stated Pres. Gabriel. “You have supported us during your term as Ward 6 Councillor, and now its our turn to support you.”
Shown presenting a check endorsing the councillor’s campaign, from left to right, are; Pres. NEPBA, Local 95 Lt. Jim Gabriel, Lt. Sabatino Rozza, Councillor Lattanzi, Sgt. David Butler, and Lt. Steve Panzini outside Everett Police Headquarters.