Everett and Chelsea Girl Scouts “traveled” the world with a passport, visiting Germany, Norway, Brazil, Nepal, France, England and Ireland during Sunday’s International Girl Scout Day at Pioneer Charter School of Science in Everett.
Troop 71088 Girl Scout Senior Ambassador Emma Horgan (far left) kicked off International Girl Scout Sunday with a flag ceremony.Girl Scout leaders, pictured from left to right: Patricia David, Jessica Mangan, Kathy Allen, Samantha Hurley, LeeAnne Sandberg, Holly Garcia, Jill Davis, Jeanne Horgan, Amanda Pashko and Donna Mayberry.Girl Scout leader Samantha Hurley said girls were able to travel the world on International Girl Scout Day on Sunday at Pioneer Charter School of Science in Everett.Girls take the Girl Scout Promise and Law, swearing under oath.Representing Norway, pictured from left to right: Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies Ainsley Polson, Leilani Jonathas, Giuliana Morello and Karoline Chadwick and 64295 Troop Leader Samantha Hurley displayed goldfish, chocolate covered pretzels and cinnamon rolls.Representing Nepal, pictured from left to right: Cadettes Jane Maharjan (whose family is from Nepal), Abigail Falkowski, Ella DiPierro and Troop 82482 Leader Holly Garcia displayed rice pudding.Girl Scout leaders, pictured from left to right: Patricia David, Jessica Mangan, Kathy Allen, Samantha Hurley, LeeAnne Sandberg, Holly Garcia and Jill Davis. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)Representing Ireland, pictured from left to right: Chelsea Girl Scout Cadettes Victoria Davis and Byanca Ramos and parent Jill Davis waved the Irish flag.Representing Germany, pictured from left to right: Michelina Tumblin (Lifetime Girl Scout), Amanda Pashko (Assistant Troop Leader), Jeanne Horgan (Assistant Troop Leader), Donna Mayberry (Assistant Troop Leader) and Emma Horgan (Troop 71088 Girl Scout Senior Ambassador) displayed bratwurst, knockwurst, spätzle and German potato casserole.Representing France, pictured from left to right: Junior Girl Scouts Lia Maria Sepe, Emma Held, Madison Morrisroe, Kaiya Chadwick, Jessica Zide, Charlee Seward and, in back, Natalia Morello and 67701 Troop Leader Samantha Hurley displayed croissants, macarons and Madeleine cookies.Representing England, pictured from left to right: Girl Scout Brownie Ava Hurley, Troop Leader 70283 Samantha Hurley and Brownie Alice Williams displayed cucumber sandwiches, shortbread cookies and English tea.Representing Brazil, pictured from left to right: Troop 7100 leader Jessica Mangan (kneeling), Brownies Charlotte Carback, Bailey Estrada, Danielle David, Gabriella Pereira, Gabriella Canto and Nataly Pleites. Standing are leaders Patricia David (left) and Kathy Allen. They displayed coxinhas (chicken pastry), brigadeiro (truffle), pan de queso (cheese rolls) and cinnamon rolls.