“Guns and Hoses” – police and fire personnel skate for Cops for Kids with Cancer and the Everett Fire 143 Scholarship Fund in men’s ice hockey fundraiser
Approximately 13 members of the Police and Fire Departments battled it out to raise money for Cops for Kids with Cancer and the Everett Fire 143 Scholarship Fund on Saturday at Allied Veterans Memorial Rink. The Fire Department won, 9-4.
Members of the Everett Fire Department and Chelsea Fire Department (CFD), pictured from left to right: top row: goalie Scott Hogan, Craig M. Hardy, Joseph DeSisto, Kyle Sikora, Shayne Mahoney, Kevin O’Keefe (CFD), Robert Crafts, Dylan D’Ambrosio and Player/Coach Richard Costanza; bottom row: Robert Colameta, Melvin “Chip” Tauzier, Daniel Concannon, Michael O’Brien, Adam Giancola (CFD), Nicholas Quatieri (CFD), Brian Rammuno and goalie Michael O’Donnell.Members of the Everett Police Department and Revere Police Department (RPD), pictured from left to right: standing: Matthew Cafarella, Ryan Silman, Matthew Leslie (RPD), Trevor Fidler, Tommy Leyne, Joe Duca (RPD), Billy Fox, Jackie Dean (RPD) and Jamie Chambers; sitting: Nick Cristiano, Jimmy Picardi (RPD), Pat Gryp, Mike Mori and Steve Ahern (RPD).Pictured from left to right: Police Officer Joseph Poirier, Firefighter Ian Tweeddale, Police Officer John Fitzpatrick, friend Tim Slinski, Police Officer Ryan Silmon, Police Officer Sean Fitzpatrick, Police Officer Charles Aponte and Malden Firefighter Ray Carr.Police Officers, pictured from left to right: Brian Colantuoni, Matthew Cafarella, Michael Mori, Sean Fitzpatrick and Nichols Stanfield.Rory Perretti (at left), who is Fire Captain Derek Perretti’s daughter, and Madison Laforte sang the National Anthem before the game.HOSES: Shown from left to right: Firefighter Hunter Poulos, Deputy Fire Chief Joseph Hickey, Firefighter Steven Werner, Fire Lt. Eric Keller, and Fire Lt. Jack Gardner cheered on their team.GUNS: Police Officers, pictured from left to right: Jorge Gallego, Brian Colantuoni, Dominic Monzione and Sean Fitzpatrick cheered on their team.Ward 6 Councillor Alfred Lattanzi (at left) and Malden Forestdale School Principal Donald Concannon supported “guns and hoses” during Saturday’s men’s ice hockey fundraiser for Cops for Kids with Cancer and the Everett Fire 143 Scholarship Fund at Allied Veterans Memorial Rink.Firefighter Craig Hardy congratulated police officers on a good game.Lucca and Marissa (both far left) and Fire Dept. goalie Michael O’Donnell with his sisters Megan (at left) and Melissa O’Donnell (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)Shown from left to right: Domenic Cristiano, Juliette Cristiano, Abby O’Brien, Seraphina D’Alelio, Ava O’Brien, Layla Cristiano and Mia Cristiano rooted for Fire Captain Michael O’Brien, of Everett Fire, and Police Sgt. Nicholas Cristiano, of Everett Police, both of whom are team captains.