Mayor Carlo DeMaria recently presented a citation to Bruce Jaffe, science teacher at the Madeline English School, to congratulate him and the Madeline English School Science Club for winning the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission’s Youth Environmental Service Award.
Jaffe and his Science Club won the award for their work on the Rivergreen Park and Malden River Wetland & Habitat Enhancements Project in 2022. The club’s work symbolized the start of environmental collaboration needed across the generations and across many organizations.
The City of Everett has worked hard and continues to work on taking Rivergreen Park’s roots as a former GE industrial site filled with pollution and invasive species to a restored ecosystem of plants, insects, birds, animals, fungi and microbes. Habitat features have also been added, such as bird boxes, bat boxes, bee boxes, snags, thickets and sand banks to further restore the area. Each and every one of these additions has contributed to the distinct difference between what the area used to look like and its current state.
“Mr. Jaffe and his Science Club have been a tremendous help in reaching our goal of fully restoring the river and wetlands in this area,” said Mayor DeMaria. “I’m glad to be part of recognizing the work that he and everyone else who has taken part in the restoration efforts deserves.”