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Meet the 2022 Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Ice Hockey Cheerleaders


  The Everett High School Crimson Tide Varsity Ice Hockey Cheerleaders introduced themselves at Allied Veterans Skating Rink during a REEM hockey game (Revere, Malden, Mystic Valley and Everett High Schools) against the Lynn Jets last Wednesday night.

The Crimson Tide cheerleaders performed their routine on the bleachers.
Sophomores, pictured from left to right: Mae Kelley and Mia Oliva.
Sisters Ella Hickey-Shultz and Rebecca Hickey-Shultz
Juniors, pictured from left to right: back row: Emma Longmore, Alyssa Parziale, Ritchelmia (Mia) Auguste, Maria Moraes and Alessandra Foster; front row: Kirtsy Hall, Captain Rebecca Hickey-Schultz and Woodjanna Tondreau. Not pictured: junior Pietra Bertolazzi.
Crimson Tide Cheerleaders: back row: Shaeendra Hall, Joselin Diaz Luarca, Mae Kelley, Jacqueline Machado, Ritchelmia (Mia) Auguste, Maria Mores, Ella Hickey-Schultz, Nyla-Nhi Nguyen, Alessandra Foster, Alexa Hall and Head Coach Holly Garcia; front row: Alyssa Parziale, Emma Longmore, Mia Oliva, Captain Aline Silva, Captain Rebecca Hickey-Schultz, Kirtsy Hall, Woodjanna Tondreau and Grisnel Pen.
Sisters, pictured from left to right: Kirtsy Hall and Alexa Hall.
Girls Seniors-2
Seniors, pictured from left to right: Joselin Diaz Luarca, Jacqueline Machado, Captain Aline Silva, Nyla-Nhi Nguyen and Ella Hickey-Schultz.
Freshmen, pictured from left to right: Alexa Hall, Grisnel Pen and Shaeendra Hall during last Wednesday’s REEM ice hockey game against the Lynn Jets.
Cousins, pictured from left to right: Kirtsy, Alexa and Shaeendra Hall.
Co-Captains, pictured from left to right: Aline Silva and Rebecca Hickey-Shultz.

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