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Santa visits Keverian School

Darius Reno-2
Keverian School Parent Teacher Organization Vice President Christine Reno with her fifth-grader, Darius, and Santa.
Toys Donated-2
Shown from left to right: Sixth-grader Ryan Cardinale, fifth-grader Darius Reno, Vice Principal Nerecesa Pires, third-grader Grace Jackson, fourth-grader Jessica Zide and fourth-grader Amania Allen display toys donated by Derek Barbosa, fire department members, PTO members, private donors and Ward 2 Councillor Stephanie Martins. Each student received one toy. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)
Sugar Cookies-2
Displaying Christmas tree sugar cookies are eighth-grader Grisnel Pena and fifth-grader Darius Reno. In the center are eighth-graders Emelly DeJesus and Katherine Martinez. In back is Encore Boston Harbor Staff Cafe Executive Chef Paul Emmett, who baked the cookies.
Pictured during Santa’s visit to the Keverian School last Wednesday are Assistant Principals Janet Taylor and Nerecesa Pires (left); in the center is Santa; at right are Parent Teacher Organization members, pictured from left to right: Vanessa Fernandes, Treasurer Shea Jackson, President Michelle Allen, Niki Zide, Vice President Christine Reno and Michelle Cardinale
Everett High Ambassadors-2
In back, pictured from left to right: Everett High School ambassadors Kamily Aguilar, Kevaeh Nelson and Hadassah Oliveira. In the center is Santa. At left is Amine Hmunna.

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