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SOUNDS of EVERETT: Marchese says he should be state rep; his social media postings say otherwise

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Mike Marchese is running for state representative against incumbent Rep. Joe McGonagle – again. It’s bad enough that he couldn’t win in 2022 when he was beaten badly by McGonagle – but here he comes again, along with his publicist, Josh Resnek, the corrupt reporter/publisher for the Everett Leader-Herald – who’s also being beaten in court for slandering the mayor – trying to tell you that McGonagle hates veterans in Resnek’s crooked ads. Marchese couldn’t ask for a better handler than Resnek – as they both have a lot in common. Resnek once owned a notorious watering hole in Chelsea called the Beacon Café, affectionately known as the “Stinkin’ Beacon” which he lost due to making poor decisions. And like Resnek, Marchese owned a bar on Ferry St. called McDonald’s Café – where he too made some poor decisions that cost him his business. As an alderman in 2003, Marchese couldn’t have cared less about the abutters across the street from his bar who constantly complained to police about all the late-night shady goings on. When he was asked by his good friends to curb the bad behavior, the former alderman told them to take a hike – because – he’s Mike Marchese. And just like that, Marchese’s bar was raided by police and eight people were arrested and charged with drug trafficking. According to a Boston Globe story, a police task force working for four months with an undercover State Police trooper who made multiple purchases of “cocaine, marijuana, and pharmaceutical drugs at the bar.” The eight suspects were also charged with selling cocaine within a school zone. After the state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission ordered the bar closed, Marchese conveniently went into hiding until the heat blew over. Now fast forward to 2024, City Councillor Marchese wants voters to believe that he can honorably represent Everett on a state level in spite of his disgraceful social media postings on Facebook. Just take a look at these examples Marchese reposted from one of his friends comparing black protesters to monkeys. And when he’s not attacking the Muslim community, he’s ripping the LGGTQ community as well. It makes you wonder, who is he going to represent at the State House, other than his own interests? And is this the kind of character that should represent Everett? Absolutely not. And why isn’t anyone complaining in Everett? Like 2003, Marchese just wants you to just look the other way. – JDM

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