Mike Marchese, who joined Ratnek’s and Philbin’s political “Rat Pack” – once again was snubbed by the voters for higher office despite all the help from his pals Josh Ratnek and Matthew Philbin at the Everett Leader-Fishwrap. Despite their lies and fabrications, Marchese’s pathetic full-page ads, brought to you by the scurrilous Ratnek who couldn’t tell the truth if his miserable life depended on it; offered nothing but large type and a photo that had Marchese looking like he’s late for last call. Ratnek and Marchese have a lot in common, folks; they both ran gin mills that had serious criminal issues that shut them down. Ratnek ran a sleazy dive called the Beacon Café in Chelsea back in the ‘80’s – where he and his partner, another snowflake from the Chelsea Record newspaper, enjoyed using and abusing women, according to their emails released in the ongoing lawsuit by the mayor against Ratnek, Philbin and the Lyin’ Fishwrap on Church Street. Real classy guy when he falsely accused the mayor of behavior he proudly boasts of committing. His bosom buddy, Mike, also owned a bar called McDonalds on Ferry Street until the Feds and the state police closed him down and arrested a drug ring which ran amok for years until the neighbors stepped in and alerted the authorities. All Mike could do was run and hide behind then-mayor John Hanlon until the coast was clear – after the Boston Globe ran its story, that is. Mike’s claim to fame as a city councilllor still remains to be seen – unless you count him standing up for the Fishwrap on Monday night’s city council begging on behalf of Philbin and Ratnek for the city advertising even though Ratnek and the Philbins filled their Fishwrap with lies since they began publishing in 2017. These are the same people who have labeled the city as racist in their fruitless bid to hurt the mayor – when, in one of the most diverse cities in the state, no less, continue to spew their garbage week in and week out. Hard to believe a city can be so racist, if you believe these twits, then why are so many minorities from all over the globe moving to Everett? Just count the multiple flag raisings at city hall. Mike knows a lot about racism – when he accused a former city councilor of being one despite his own words and associations. Only five years ago when Mike was heard down at a local restaurant spouting anti-Semitic insults to a former fellow city councilor who happens to be Jewish, according to witnesses who were there. And let’s not forget the brains behind the man, his brother, attorney Joseph Marchese, a former Everett alderman who the voters got sick of many years back as he campaigned from Danvers for an Everett city council seat, who thrives on letting the world know exactly where he stands on his Facebook page. (See inserts) Sickening to say the least! The only thing the Marchese’s ever offered their former hometown is their pursuit for power and greed. Between rooming houses and multi-family properties, the Marcheses and the Philbins are rolling in dough – as arrogant, greedy landlords. Marcheses lost – the right guy won. And Ratnek and Philbin are now on the run. – JDM