City of Malden Massachusetts
The Malden Planning Board will hold a public hearing in the Herbert L. Jackson Council Chamber, Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 on the petition of SL Realty Holdings, LLC (Permit Application # CMID 053698-2023) seeking a special permit under Title 12, Chapter 12, Section 030 and Title 12, Chapter 12, Section 300 of the Code of the City of Malden, to allow multifamily residential dwelling use, more than three stories but not exceeding six stories, of property in the Central Business zoning district, and for an Inclusionary Development, namely, to construct a building with five stories and a total of fifty-one (51) dwelling units, including eleven (11) Affordable Housing Units, at the property known as and numbered, 11 Charles Street, Malden and by City Assessor’s Parcel ID# 054 237 707. Petition and plans are available for public review in the Inspectional Services Department, City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, Room 330, Malden, MA and on the City website under Permit Application # CMID -053698-2023 at apps/SelfService#/home
By: Diane M. Chuha Clerk
May 26, 2023 June 2, 2023