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Malden Celebration of Revolutionary War History


  Residents are invited to Bell Rock Memorial Park on Thursday, June 30th at 5:30 PM to re-experience the events in Malden that led up to the drafting of the “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” – Malden’s declaration of support for American Independence in 1776.  

  An exciting addition to the event will be the unveiling of a rendering of the memorial that will be installed at Bell Rock Historic cemetery to honor the service of free and enslaved Black Soldiers of Malden who served during the Revolutionary War.  The current memorial which was installed in 1930 lists no Black soldiers. 

   A group of young musicians from the William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps will kick off the event by playing several period-specific songs and local Historian and period actor Tom Coots will then perform the Seventh Annual Reading of the town “Instructions.” For anyone who is interested in participating in the reenactment and is willing to dress in period-appropriate costumes, please contact Ron Cochran at rc******@ci**********.org for more information.

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