Many local Dems volunteering for statewide campaigns
Special to The Advocate
The Malden Democratic City Committee (MDCC) invites interested Democrats, residents and friends to attend their next meeting on Saturday, October 22 at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom. After the meeting, interested people can write some postcards to voters or join a standout to support Democrats and bring attention to early voting. Meetings are open to the public, with Democrats and prospective Democrats especially welcome. Email in**@ma*************.com for a meeting link.
The MDCC also wishes to thank everyone who came out to the MDCC Summer Barbecue in August. Attendees had a chance to hear from several candidates for statewide office while enjoying burgers and hot dogs on a beautiful summer night and supporting the Democratic Party. The event was a great success with more than 100 attendees.
Local Democrats are working hard
Many Democrats in Malden have been actively volunteering to help get Democrats elected and to support ballot initiatives that align with Democratic Party values. You might have seen some of them at your door! Or perhaps you’ve seen a group of dedicated Democrats writing postcards at Hugh O’Neill’s (organized by Malden resident Doll E. Langa) or staffing a table at a local event.
Much of the focus for local Democrats has been on statewide campaigns. Amanda Smith, ably assisted by Christine Fort and Linda Thorsen, has been spearheading the Healey/Driscoll campaign in Malden and the rest of the Fifth Middlesex State Senate District and coordinating closely with the State Senator Jason Lewis campaign. With the September primary in the rearview mirror, the Maura Healey/Kim Driscoll team is running a coordinated campaign that includes many other Democrats running for statewide offices –Andrea Campbell for Attorney General, Bill Galvin for Secretary of the Commonwealth, Deb Goldberg for Treasurer and Diana DiZoglio for Auditor – and is also supporting a vote of Yes on two key ballot questions (Question 1 and Question 4). While Malden’s three State Representatives, Steven Ultrino, Paul Donato, and Kate Lipper-Garabedian, are unopposed in the November 8 election, Senator Lewis has a Republican challenger as does Congresswoman Katherine Clark. They are taking nothing for granted.
Local Democrats, including Keith Bernard and Zayda Ortiz, have also been hard at work canvassing for Yes on Question 1 (Also known as the Fair Share Amendment, which provides for an additional tax on the amount of annual income over $1 million, with the revenue going to education and transportation infrastructure) and Yes on Question 4 (to affirm the Work and Family Mobility Act passed by the legislature, which enables all qualified residents to apply for a driver’s license regardless of immigration status). For detailed information about ballot questions, voters can visit
In addition to statewide campaigns, Malden residents have also been very active in supporting Democrats’ campaigns across the country. The Massachusetts Democratic Party Organizing Hub, which is co-led by Amanda Smith, has been meeting Saturdays for weekly virtual phonebanks to support campaigns ranging from Massachusetts state rep races to senate and gubernatorial races in far-flung states. Whether making calls, writing postcards to voters or driving up to New Hampshire to knock on doors for Senator Maggie Hassan, Congressman Chris Pappas and Congresswoman Annie Kuster, a lot of hard work is going into many different campaigns this year.
Everyone should vote
Malden Democrats encourage every citizen to vote, whatever their politics or party affiliation. Today, with options for early voting and voting by mail in addition to voting on Election Day, voters have more ways to exercise their rights. If you are unsure where to vote, visit
Everyone should keep these dates in mind:
- October 22: Early voting begins (see the City Clerk’s page on
- October 29: Last day to register to vote (or change registration) before the November election. Did you or someone you know move recently? Or turn 18? Register to vote at
- November 1: Last day to submit application for mail-in ballot
- November 8: General election. Polls in Malden are open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- November 8: Mail-in ballots must be received in City Clerk’s Office or in drop box by 8:00 p.m.
About the MDCC: The Malden Democratic City Committee is the local arm of the Massachusetts Democratic Party in Malden. Anyone interested in learning about upcoming events for Malden Democrats and ways to get involved should visit – where they can join the email list. They can also follow the group on Twitter (@MaldenDems) and Facebook ( To learn more, Democrats can contact the MDCC officers at in**@ma*************.org and also visit the Massachusetts Democratic Party website at