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~ Malden Musings ~ Phil Bynoe Inducted into MHS Hall of Fame

By Peter Levine


It is said in “Malden Musings”…

  • Newly minted Malden High School Hall of Famer Phil Bynoe (Class of ’79) considers himself “just another kid from Malden living his dream.” Such an immense musical talent and Malden Humble through and through! Congrats, Philip, on your induction!
  • 119 days, 8 hours, 16 minutes, 25 seconds from this moment until Saint Rocco Festa!
  • “Time” by The Pozo-Seco Singers became an instant classic with me when I heard it for the first time last week on WMEX. You should hear it also. Beautiful.
  • The Inaugural Malden Baseball Legacy Hall of Fame Induction at a jam-packed Moose Hall was a special night in Malden history. So many famous Maldonians, so little time to mingle. I spotted that ageless couple Perry & Ginger Verge as well as Shawn Brickman’s large, beautiful family.
  • Next time I order Pisa Pizza, please remind me to order a Pisa Pizza Deluxe. It looks fabulous! Pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, onions, fresh tomatoes, broccoli & black olives, topped with their famous three cheese blend & chopped garlic! What?! Pisa Pizza Deluxe, where have you been all my life! Fuhgeddaboudit!
  • If you see Bridget Furlong around town, please be sure to congratulate her on her new position as Health & Human Services Coordinator in the Board of Health at City Hall. Way to go Ms. Furlong! I bet moms and pops are very proud! Fun fact: Bridget’s first job was in the Malden Summer Youth Employment Program.
  • Bob “Mr. Malden Babe Ruth League” Rotondi’s birthday bash on a jam-packed afternoon at the Moose Hall was (reportedly) the social event of the young season. Yes, “reportedly,” because yours truly, unfortunately, could not make the scene. I am sure Bob has forgiven me by now (you have forgiven me by now, right Bob? – insert smiley face). Grandson Christian turned 14 on the very same day so my priorities went to the teenager I have tutored and nurtured on the hoop court and field of life for the past 14 years. Happy birthday, Bob! I’ll see you next year at your 86th!!
  • Christian, by the way, will attend Malden Catholic next year as a freshman. He is extremely excited to join Carmela and Mariano Spadafora at MC and become part of MC’s rich history of academics and athletics. His goal is to work out like an old-fashioned gym rat this summer and give the MC hoop team a shot. Stay tuned.
  • MC gotta be a good school! Celebrated Edgeworth raconteur Bobby “Bull” O’Leary matriculated there, and they also produced one of the best legislators to ever call Washington (their second) home, Eddie “The Pride of Townsend Street” Markey!
  • Speaking of the Legacy HOF Banquet, it was nice to see Kenny Mazonson getting recognized. Kenny bleeds Malden and is a “Malden Lifer” who just gives and gives. Thank you, Kenny, for all you have done over the many years – starting, of course, as a senior in high school when you took those iconic photos of Stevie Wonder performing at the Jenkins Aud in ’73.
  • I am very happy that State Rep. Paul Donato announced his reelection bid for the 35th Middlesex Seat. Absolutely nobody has worked harder for Malden (and Meffa) over the years than this gentleman. Let’s reward Mr. D once again for all he has done to make our lives better.
  • Congratulations are in order on the first wedding anniversary of Forestdale School Principal Adam Weldai and his wife Tori! Married one year ago this past April 1. Tori via Facebook: “A year ago I made a commitment to be your partner and your person. This past year has been filled with so much laughter and so many ‘I love you’s.’ With you, even ordinary moments become extraordinary. I love you more each day and I’m excited to see what year two has in store for us!”
  • Speaking of the Legacy HOF Banquet and speaking of Perry & Ginger Verge…Perry’s parents, Perry Sr. and Pearl (“First Lady of Malden Babe Ruth”), were honored this night. They will always hold a special place in my heart. Both were very kind to me as a 13-year-old on the Stars of the BRL with some very encouraging words that I will always hold near and dear.
  • My head is still spinning after enduring the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 26! Suffering succotash! Why wasn’t Chuck Ioven’s reappointment confirmed that night?!
  • News flash! Malden hoop legend Buddy Arthur turns 80! The hands are still the largest I’ve ever shaken, the smile as wide as ever and the Hollywood good looks will never desert him. Happy birthday, big guy!
  • Anybody else watch Mayor Christenson’s 2024 State of the City Address? No, nobody else?! Well, you missed a once-in-a-lifetime Malden history lesson presentation – rich in archival Malden images and videos – I agree with a recent editorial that mentioned that it was worthy of being used as an educational resource moving forward! The mayor’s staff done the Lord’s work with this walkin’, talkin’ history lesson! Good job putting together this classic, Maria (Luise), Kathleen (Manning Hall), Elaina (Savino), Paul (“The Hammer” Hammersley) and everybody else I may have missed!
  • Speaking of the State of the City Address, what a treat to see Malden High School Alumni Hall of Famer Neal Anderson decked out in his City Messenger top hat and tail looking more distinguished than he usually does!
  • Inna Babitskaya once again killed it in a recent edition of the Advocate with her wonderful ode to “former mill girl, writer, and suffragist” Harriet Hanson Robinson. Inna is a local treasure, and her offerings are always informative and a pleasure to read.
  • Speaking of the Legacy HOF Banquet, I did not know this…in 1974 as a member of the BRL Orioles, Shawn Brickman won a City Series against the much-vaunted Bob Rotondi Knights; he was the top pitcher in the Greater Boston League from 1975-1977 and posted an 11-1 record as a senior, which still stands to this day. Good golly, Earl and Molly, your father did some amazing stuff (and still does)!
  • 60 years ago – February 6, 1964 – the Beatles landed at JFK in New York, changing our lives, forever!
  • Speaking of the Legacy HOF Banquet, I continue to find this extraordinary… Bob Rotondi (as we all know) has been called “Mr. Malden Babe Ruth League” over the years and has been involved since its inception in 1959 (through present day). Think about that: over 60 years! He did six years with the Little League Malden Rifles (from 1957-1963) before his legendary run; coaching and mentoring for part of eight different decades! A record of service destined to go unmatched in Malden history. Ever. Bob, we salute you (and love you), once again!
  • Happy April birthday wishes would go out to Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and Dorothy Kerger from Public Facilities at Malden City Hall.

As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – a “Malden Musings” “slice of life” – Blue Star Lounge redux … the Blue Star bumper sticker on the back of my vehicle has elicited many thumbs up, many smiles and numerous waves since I added it a few years ago. But the encounter I had in the recent past with a woman in her early to mid-70s was the most treasured. I only mention this because many of us in Malden hold memories of the Blue Star near and dear to our collective hearts. It was a “rite of passage” back in the day to journey to Route 1, stop at the Blue Star and have lifelong remembrances full of fun memories. A time to forget about everyday life for a brief moment or two. So, I am on Lowell Street in Peabody when a woman in the car behind me starts frantically waving her arms for me to pull over. I don’t recognize her, so I figure she must have mistaken me for somebody else. After a half mile of high beams flashing, more hand waves and manic honking, I pulled into the parking lot of Saint Adelaide’s Church. I am not struck by lightning nor does a tree fall on my vehicle as I pull in the church lot (inside joke – insert smiley face). We roll our windows down in unison. At that point this total stranger and I go into the most heartfelt exchange I have had in many years. She became emotional when she told me that my bumper sticker brought back countless unforgettable memories. She thanked me for pulling over and for giving her the opportunity to tell me how “delightful” it was for her to see that memory come alive, once again. She went on to tell me how she and her pallys (100 strong!) would take over the bar on the weekends; how they would “dance and laugh all night”; how much enjoyment they received listening to the bands and hanging with the eclectic clientele the BS attracted; how many of those friends are no longer alive. Like many of us she wished she could spend “one more of those nights dancing carefree” – “laughing until it hurt” – to go back when “life was simpler.” I agreed. Total strangers when we met, hugging on departure as if we knew each other forever.

Postscript: Jack Garrity, Ernie Leblanc, Don Quon, Chris Mirageas, Bobby Martino, Rocky Brooks; each individual so important to the success of Malden in 2024. Each individual not soon be forgotten. More on each of them at a later date.

—Peter is a longtime Malden resident and a regular contributor to the Malden Advocate and can be reached at PeteL39@aol.com for comments, compliments or criticisms.

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