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Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday – Team Jared Moose Bocce Champs


  Breaking news from the other side of the city! Reports coming out of the Moose are confirming that after Jared led his bocce to team to yet another championship, his wife Crystal had a baby boy. Welcome Enzo Freni into the world, Malden! The bocce championship wasn’t his first (I got a feeling it won’t be his last either). This is Team Jared’s fourth recent championship at the Moose. Two summer and two winter winning seasons have folks from Elwell to Oakland Street calling this a dynasty. Team captain Jared (Freni) had a little help. Those two underrated Willcox boys, Freddy and Billy, also made key contributions during the championship run. Johnny Freni, Dougie Taylor, Chris Freni and Scotty Norris rounded out the team of all-stars. Some league members even suggested that the team is too strong and should be broken up. I just made that up, but I am sure there have been whispers (insert smiley face). The Moose summer bocce season is revving its engine as we read together. If you would like to participate, give the Moose a call and let them know. They’ll take it from there.

  It is said in Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday…

  Danger, Will Robinson! Travel on Broadway from Maria’s Pizza to the Moose at your own risk! I nearly lost most of my Honey Dew hot dark roast as I made my way to M&M Liquor for my monthly sixer of Ballantine Ale.

  Malden today, tomorrow and yesterday salutes families and organizations in Malden that mostly fly under the radar but always step to the front of the line when it comes to good deeds throughout the city. Such as… The Dorazio family, Henry’s Catering and the Loyal Order of Moose for many years have supported Malden, Malden High School and student athletes at the high school without much fanfare. Thank you to the Dorazios for everything you folks do.

  Comfort TV recently reaching into my living room: Addams Family Season 2, Episode 18 “Fester Goes on a Diet.” For an impending visit from his pen pal, Yvette of the Folies Bregeré, Uncle Fester is secretly trying to get himself into shape, even recruiting guidance from fitness guru Jack LaLanne himself. My mom adored Jack LaLanne! What stay-at-home mom in the 196’s didn’t!? Insert great big smiley face.

  I see Bobby C’s Ristorante is looking for bartenders. If you’re a bartender looking for a great gig, working for incredible people, then hustle over there fast! Tell Julie you read it here!

  Who is familiar with the Sunday Boston Globe’s “A Boston story in 50 words” feature? Well, basically it is one person’s Boston story in 50 words (or less) and appears on the editorial page of the Sunday paper. The Globecontinues to give us news we can trust, staff members that report the truth and the best sports section in the country (hello, Dan Shaughnessy) so I give them $6 on Sunday morning and I am one happy Maldonian. My recent submission to “A Boston story in 50 words” probably won’t be printed so here it is anyway: October 1, 1978 “Moe, Lynchie, Jimmy D, and I arrive in Kenmore Square even before the sausage vendors. Yanks versus Sox for a trip to the big show. Bucky Bleepin’ Dent. Immortal in one swing. Happiness to despair in nine short innings. Gloom following four young lives all the way back to Malden Square.”

  A Malden slice of life: My good fortune to run into retired Malden Police Officer Jamie Antonangeli recently in a local supermarket. Jamie is still in the neighborhood and looks great. Retirement has done him good! He says he still gets together with some of the boys from time to time. I accepted an invite to sit breakfast with them in the near future. Great seeing you, Jamie!

  “This is the end, beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end” – truth be told, I was always an unabashed fan of the late Malden Evening News! Through the good times and through the lean times, of which there were many, I had been a steadfast reader of this daily newspaper. Shoot, the M.E.N. was around since before every single one of us were born! It was in the DNA of Malden, one and the same. Might sound weird but I was saddened when they first eliminated their Wednesday edition, then closed their doors forever on us a short time later. I’ll give you an example of why we loved the News and its tireless editor at the time, Steve Freker, so much. Only somebody like Freck, who is 100% Malden, could have written a column such as the “Inside Information” piece he wrote on the Eddie Larson Field dedication at Devir Park. Only somebody like Freck, who knew Eddie personally, could have written such a thoughtful, such a heartfelt, such a fitting tribute to our pal Eddie. His words were from deep down inside – from somebody who was feeling what all of us Maldonians who knew Eddie were feeling. Because Freck AND the Malden News WERE Malden! That was a good thing for sure! Thanks, Freck; keep up the great work you continue to do! Rest in peace, Eddie Larson; April 17, 2014.

  Postscript: The Saint Rocco Feast is the second weekend in August every year. It will be upon us once again, real quick. This from Nick Gizzi – living in exile away from Edgeworth, his heart firmly planted on Pearl Street every second weekend in August – summing up the weekend beautifully: “Hearing the trucks come down the street with the rides and games. Watching them set up in the field – that’s right I said the field. Friends, family, food, laughter, and more food, hugs, kisses, smiles, more food. Music, the elderly ladies dancing, kids running around blowing horns and throwing snap pops. Fried dough stand. Butch and the guys cooking sausages. The beer tent. Gatherings in backyards. Mr. Pic’s driveway. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning meet at corner! Go cut down the grease pole! Where is everyone!? Who has a chainsaw!? Marching down Highland Ave. carrying the tree. Cars honkin! The boys cheering. Immaculate parking lot; shave the pole. Who’s digging the hole? Did you get the grease yet? Sun is shining. Great morning. Done! Get it to the yard on Pearl. Waiting for the Saint to march down the street. People gathering. The boys dress to get dirty. One tier. Two tiers. Six tiers. A couple of tries. Pino gets it. Yeah! Bring money to Saint. Pictures. Pride. Need a beer. Great music. Great people. Just a great time. That’s the Feast I remember. Viva Saint Rocco!”

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