Last Thursday morning Mystic Valley Elder Services launched their Wellness Nurse program at the Malden Housing Authority. The on-site public health nurse pilot program benefits supportive housing residents. The wellness program will launch in Revere this spring.
During last Thursday’s wellness launch at the Malden Housing Authority, Mystic Valley Elder Services CEO Lisa Gurgone said what better opportunity than to have wellness services on-site.
Shown from left to right: Malden Housing Authority Director Steve Finn, State Representative Steven Ultrino, State Senator Jason Lewis, Mystic Valley Elder Services CEO Lisa Gurgone, Mayor Gary Christenson, State Representative Paul Donato, Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEO) Deputy Secretary Robin Lipson, State Representative Kate Garabedian-Lipper, Senate Ways and Means Committee Associate Counsel Tovah Miller, Commonwealth Care Alliance Long Term Services and Supports Vice President Whitney Moyer and EOEO Director of Public Health Policy and Outreach Deanna Mazina.
Tenants Cheryl Sneed and Kathy Marchand enjoyed the healthy food served.
Seated, pictured from left to right: tenants Sue Potter, Chris MacLeod and Linda Parsons. Standing is Mystic Valley Elder Services Resident Services Coordinator Terri Fitzgerald.
Mystic Valley Elder Services Registered Nurse Janelle Wilkins is pleased to bring this wellness nurse launch to the city.
Mystic Valley Elder Services Resident Services Coordinator Terri Fitzgerald helps to connect Housing Authority residents to health-based services.
Pictured from left to right: Grace Blouin, Dolores Magana, Mayor Gary Christenson, Peggy Logan and Pat Bainton enjoyed acai.
Mystic Valley Elder Services Assistant Nurse Manager Lisa Felci Jimenez, LSW, RN, spoke about the importance of hand washing, sneezing like a vampire and using hand sanitizer. She told residents to sing “Sweet Caroline” while washing their hands.
Pictured from left to right: State Representatives Steve Ultrino and Kate Lipper Garabedian, State Senator Jason Lewis, Malden Housing Authority tenant Heidi Mullen and State Representative Paul Donato.