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Re-Election Candidate for Ward 6 School Committee


  Happy New year to all the residents of Malden’s Ward 6. My name is Joseph Gray. I am the incumbent Ward 6 School Committee member. In addition to thanking everyone, who put their trust in me to do something more with this school committee position, I would like to sincerely request your support once again to re-elect me for an additional two-year term. As in the past, I will not make any lofty promises with guarantees. The onslaught of the covid pandemic proved the folly of predicting the future in politics, even for a few weeks out. What I will continue to promise is that I will do my best to analyze each issue under consideration by the school committee and vote according to my conscience and beliefs. The scope of my job includes the betterment of the public schools and the safety of the children in them, as they learn. Having three children progress the entire way through the Malden Public School system has kept my interest high. I wish to be there when my third and final child graduates from Malden High in a couple of years. A personal goal.

  Thank you all for your support. Please vote for me in November 2023.

  And a happy, prosperous and family filled 2023 to everyone. May God Bless America!


Joseph Gray

Ward 6 School Committee Member

295R Lebanon street

Malden, MA 02148



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