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Sen. Lewis supports passage of legislation authorizing funding for local transportation improvements

Rep. Jason Lewis

Advocate Staff Report

 On June 9, State Senator Jason Lewis joined his Senate colleagues to unanimously pass An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges, which would approve the authorization of $350 million towards transportation needs in the Commonwealth, including $200 million for the Chapter 90 program, which provides cities and towns with funding for local transportation-related projects, including road and bridge repairs.

  “This bill provides critical funding for our local communities to repair and improve roads, bridges, sidewalks and other transportation infrastructure,” said Senator Lewis. “I’m particularly pleased that we were able to increase funding for the Complete Streets grant program that makes roads and intersections safer for all users, especially pedestrians and cyclists.”

  The bill also authorizes an additional $150 million in grant-based programs that will assist municipalities with various transportation-related projects. This comprises $30 million for the municipal small bridge repair program, $30 million for the Complete Streets grant program, $25 million for bus-related projects, $25 million for increased access to mass transit and commuter rail stations and $40 million for pavement and surface area improvements to non-federally aided roadways. The Complete Streets grant program, which Senator Lewis helped to create when he previously served as a State Representative, enables improvements to roads, sidewalks and intersections that improve access and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, buses and motorists.

  Having previously been passed by the House of Representatives, the bill is expected to be signed into law by Governor Charlie Baker soon.

Sen. Lewis announces Virtual Office Hours for June

  State Senator Jason Lewis will be holding Virtual Office Hours on Monday, June 27 from 2-3 p.m. Any constituent of Senator Lewis is welcome to attend Office Hours, with no appointment necessary, to discuss any personal issue or legislative feedback with the Senator and his staff.

  Virtual Office Hours are held on Zoom. To join the meeting, please use the following link or enter the meeting information: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83854164671?pwd=eWZWQWU0VkZjcE9XSXl5Rk1BRVd5Zz09

  Meeting ID: 838 5416 4671.

  Passcode: 234270.

  Each constituent meets privately with the Senator during the Zoom session.

  Senator Lewis also holds regular in-person Office Hours in each community of the district (Malden, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield and Winchester). For further information or any questions, visit SenatorJasonLewis.com or contact his State House office at (617) 722-1206 or Jason.Lewis@masenate.gov.

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