By Barbara Taormina
The Revere City Council voted unanimously to elect Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri as council president and Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna as council vice president for 2025.
Silvestri thanked fellow councillors for their support. “We’re never going to agree on everything, but we can all agree that moving the city forward is the most important thing and we have to do that together,” said Silvestri after taking the oath of office.
Silvestri also gave a shout out to outgoing Council President Anthony Cogliandro. “He gave me the guts and understanding that I could handle the role,” said Silvestri.
“I look forward to taking a little bit of your page,” he said to Cogliandro.
Cogliandro took a moment to thank the council for putting their trust in him. He also gave a huge thank you to City Clerk Ashley Melnik. “Never has someone had my back like she did as city council president,” said Cogliandro.
Silvestri then called his first piece of business as the new council president, the election of vice president. Councillors quickly agreed to give the job to Joanne McKenna.
McKenna thanked councillors for their support and like Cogliandro, she gave special thanks to the city clerk. “Ashley has had my back for the past 10 years,” she said.