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City Council President Visconti hosts packed fundraiser

Visconti Family-2

  Approximately 100 people attended Council President/Councillor-At-Large Gerry Visconti’s campaign fundraiser at Dryft Revere Raw Outdoor Bar on Wednesday night.

Best Friend-2
Best friend Madeline Fisher, in center, alongside Jolie Giannetti, Visconti’s wife Danielle, Gerry Visconti and Michelle Cassinell.
Ward 5-2
Ward 5 City Councillor John Powers and Council President Visconti.
Ward 3 Councillor-2
Ward 3 City Councillor Anthony Cogliandro alongside Visconti.
Visconti Family-2
Shown from left to right: his daughters, Sofia and Sabrina, Councillor-At-Large/Council President Gerry Visconti his son, Joseph, his wife, Danielle and his son, Gerry Jr. during Wednesday’s campaign fundraiser at Dryft Revere Raw Outdoor Bar.
Supporter Jolie Giannetti, his wife Danielle Visconti and supporter Michelle Cassinell.
Suffolk County Sheriff-2
Suffolk County Sheriff Steven Tompkins supported Visconti on Wednesday night.
State Rep
State Rep. Jessica Giannino respects Visconti for sometimes making decisions that may be unpopular for the betterment of the city.
School Committee-2
The host with Revere School Committee member John Kingston and Northeast Vocational School Committee member Anthony Caggiano.
Residents Jolie Giannetti and Cheryl McGrath supported Visconti.
Longtime Councillor-2
Longtime Ward 3 Councillor Arthur Guinasso, his wife, Linda, and Council President/Councillor-At-Large Gerry Visconti.
Friends Marian Maffeo and Irma Accettullo with Visconti.
Disc Jockey-2
Disc Jockey Richard Freni entertained the crowd all night long.
City Officials-2
Shown from left to right: Council Vice President/Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino, Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna, Mayor Brian Arrigo, Council President/Councillor-At-Large Gerry Visconti, Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky, Councillor-At-Large Steven Morabito and Ward 4 Councillor Patrick Keefe.

(Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)

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