The Department of Planning & Community Development (DPCD), in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), is beginning a planning process to improve walking, biking and rolling conditions in the city. This Tuesday, June 18, from 6-7:30, DPCD will be hosting its first Public Meeting to discuss the plan. It will be held on Zoom (register at Attendees will discuss the plan and get input on how to improve walking, biking and rolling in the city. Please join us and invite your friends!
May 2 community meeting discusses resiliency in Beachmont
A community forum was held last month to discuss plans for the Resilient Bennington Street and Fredericks Park Project. You can find the recording of that meeting and more information on the project page:
Pending future grant funding, in the coming year the project team will work to update these conceptual designs with input from the community, the design team and state permitting agencies. If you would like to stay engaged on project progress, please reach out to Open Space and Environmental Planner Elle Baker at
Want a free tree? Greening the Gateways expands to most of Revere
For the past three years, the “Greening the Gateways” program of the Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) has provided trees for residents and City of Revere projects in several neighborhoods. Most recently, they partnered with DPCD on plans (in progress) to transform 69 Shirley Ave. into a pocket park. This past month the program expanded to cover almost all of Revere.
Are you interested in getting a free tree on your property? Contact DCR’s team to learn more.
Housing public forums held on the HPP, Housing Trust
Last week, DPCD and consultants at JM Goldson partnered on two public forums related to housing affordability. At the first meeting, the project team presented some initial goals and strategies for the Housing Production Plan (HPP). Strategies discussed included zoning improvements to support “missing middle” housing, selling City of Revere–owned land for affordable housing production and partnering with the Revere Housing Authority on redevelopment proposals. Following this meeting, the project team will create a draft HPP, to be unveiled later this year.
Later in the week, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board met to discuss the mission, goals and strategies of the board and how it aligns with the work of the HPP. Over the course of the next six months, JM Goldson will work with the Trust Board to establish a plan with goals and strategies on how to best achieve their desired outcomes.
Revere launches Municipal Aggregation program with MassPowerChoice
This month, DPCD initiated work with consultants at MassPowerChoice to initiate a Municipal Aggregation program for the City of Revere. This program will allow the City to procure more competitive electricity rates for Revere residents and will provide residents with alternatives to further reduce their carbon footprints. Other the next few months, MassPowerChoice will work with the City to submit an application to the Department of Utilities (DPU) to participate in the program, and from there will work with the City to educate the public on the program and its benefits.
Sidewalk improvements underway for Washington Avenue
The Washington Avenue Complete Streets Project is underway. New concrete sidewalks with granite curbing and ADA panels have been installed along the roadway from Amelia Place to Loomis Street, dramatically changing the appeal of the neighborhood. Work will continue on the westerly side for most of June. The $1,000,000 project is being funded by Chapter 90 funds and the Complete Streets program of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The project is expected to be completed by the fall.
Questions about the project? Contact Transportation Coordinator Julie DeMauro at
MassDOT & Boston MPO provide $2.4M for Microtransit pilot
In the last month, MassDOT and the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) announced over $2M in support for a “microtransit” pilot in Revere and Chelsea. This project will provide “last-mile” connections to transit users in both cities. Microtransit – a new trend of public transportation – involves public sector-led, on-demand transit programs. One local example, the Salem Skipper, has been providing on-demand transportation to residents in Salem for years.
Over the next few months, the cities will work to secure a vendor and launch the program. Be on the lookout for more information in the near future!
133 Salem St. lottery reopened until July 31
The North Strand Condos project has reopened the lottery application period for 20 Affordable Homeownership condos, which includes an additional two units subsidized by the Revere Housing Trust this spring. The application period is open through July 31. **If you submitted in the first lottery this past winter, you must resubmit an application to be considered.**
Applications are available online at or for in-person pick up during office hours at the Revere Public Library or the Department of Planning & Community Development at Revere City Hall (281 Broadway, Revere).
If you have additional questions, please call Roy Avellaneda at 617-212-4658 or email
Lt. John Jones Park Grand Opening held in North Revere
Liberty Park was first established in the 1960s with a swing set. Over the decades it became a place for residents to congregate with their families and additional amenities were added. In the past year, DPCD worked to secure a $363K Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities grant to expand the park’s offerings, which now include an updated playground, pickleball and a four-square court. This project was further supported by Ward 6 Community Improvement Trust funds.
On June 10, 2024, the renovated park was reopened and dedicated to a lifelong resident of the North Revere neighborhood, U.S. Air Force Veteran Lt. John Jones. The Jones family and many neighborhood residents gathered to celebrate the dedication and the new playground and pickleball court opening. The City of Revere is excited to offer this enhanced open space to the community.
Shirley Avenue is selected for Complete Neighborhoods Partnership program
Revere is proud to announce its selection as one of the four communities participating in the second cohort of the Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s Complete Neighborhoods Partnership program. With the program’s technical assistance support, Revere’s primary focus will be on fostering housing development in the vibrant Shirley Avenue area.
A notable feature of this program is its flexibility, allowing each community to tailor their approach to meet their unique needs. Our goal is to reduce the risk of displacement while creating opportunities for small businesses and property owners to position themselves for informed real estate decisions and further wealth creation. We also aim to ensure that they remain valuable community assets while contributing to the growth and prosperity of the neighborhood.