Town Manager Crabtree and the Planning & Economic Development Dept. seek participation in the final Master Plan draft presentation forum
(Editor’s Note: The following info is from a press release issued by Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree this week.)
Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree, the Board of Selectmen, the Saugus Planning and Economic Development Department and the Planning Board have invited residents and Saugus officials to attend the final Master Plan draft presentation forum on Wednesday, March 16 at 6:00 p.m. via a Zoom meeting. The Town of Saugus is continuing and finalizing the process of updating the Town’s Master Plan. At the Zoom forum, the Town’s project consultant, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), will be assisting the Town in conducting the final Master Plan draft presentation. This forum will contain presentations on the complete Master Plan final draft, followed by a question & answer period.
Join the meeting by following this link:
Meeting ID: 934 2396 8618
Passcode: 792882
The Plan can be reviewed by following this link:
The Master Plan was last completed in 1988, and updating the plan is a major priority for the Board of Selectmen. The town-wide Master Plan includes goals and policies for what stakeholders want to see happen with land use, housing, economic development, natural/cultural resources, open space, recreation and transportation. Town Meeting members approved the allocation of $150,000 to update the Master Plan after Crabtree drafted the article for the special Town Meeting warrant. He stressed the importance of the town pursuing smart growth in order to sustain a full-service community and balance the impact of development. The Master Plan includes strategies to manage future growth in development, protect environmental resources, set priorities for developing/maintaining infrastructure, create a framework for future policy decisions and provide guidance to land owners and developers as well as permitting authorities.
The Forum follows three other public forums on the required elements as listed above and will conclude the process of updating the current Master Plan. The final document will be adopted by the Planning Board, and the next step of prioritizing implementation will begin.
The Town is excited to finalize this important town-wide planning document and the comprehensive public process that went into it and get to work on its implementation. Please join us to participate in this exciting community milestone.
Questions about the event can be directed to Director of Planning and Economic Development Chris Reilly at (781) 231-4044 (cr*****@sa*******.gov). Additional information can be found at
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 934 2396 8618
Passcode: 792882
One tap mobile: +16468769923,,93423968618# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 934 2396 8618
LAST CALL FOR FEEDBACK: Residents and town officials will have one more opportunity to comment on the town’s proposed Master Plan. They will get a chance to participate in a virtual discussion next Wednesday (March 16) at 6 p.m. via a Zoom videoconferencing session. (Saugus Advocate file photo by Mark E. Vogler)