Editor’s Note: The 2025 Annual Town Meeting convenes on Monday, May 5. As a special service to our readers and the registered voters of Saugus, we are reaching out to all 50 Town Meeting members, focusing on one precinct each week, in the weeks leading up to the start of Town Meeting, asking members about their expectations for the upcoming Town Meeting. This week, we received responses from four of the five Town Meeting Members in Precinct 5. For next week’s newspaper, we will reach out to the five Town Meeting Members from Precinct 6. The 2025 Annual Town Meeting convenes five weeks from Monday.
Question One: What do you consider the top priority for the town as you prepare for the opening of the 2025 Town Meeting session?
Pamela J. Goodwin: Several top priorities of mine include: (1) approval by Town Meeting of a balanced budget that provides continued financial stability and meets the needs of the Town as a whole; (2) seeing the siting and completion of a third fire station to be located on the west side of Town finally come to fruition; (3) continued ongoing upgrades to Town infrastructure, including roadways; (4) addressing the heightened traffic and the impact it has on our precinct (especially Walnut Street), as well as on the entire community; (5) employing the careful balance needed between encouraging new businesses and further development in Saugus, with the strong desire of our citizens to maintain “the hometown feel” of our Town; and, last but not least, (6) the development of strong bonding, idea sharing, and respect for each other and everyone’s ideas within our new Town Meeting.
Jaclyn Hickman: The top priority for me would be to ensure the building of a third fire station on the west side of Saugus. A feasibility study has taken place and I am looking forward to hearing the results. Although my precinct does not reside on the west side of town, I have heard from residents or family members who reside in or near that precinct and this is a priority for them.
Brenton Spencer: The top priorities for Saugus in this year’s town meeting is to make sure all town departments and the school department are fully funded. To fund the stabilization fund as the main financial reserve, this money can be used for town emergencies. A strong stabilization fund will help maintain a strong bond rating for the town. To come up with a plan to fund the new Northeast Vocational School and a new third fire station. To make sure that taxpayers dollars are spent wisely, productively, and efficiently.
Ronald Wallace: By far the most important issue for me is the cemetery expansion. The dog park should be below this on the priority scale. Just my opinion. Saugus needs to provide cemetery plots for residents. I myself being a lifelong resident would like to be buried in my hometown.
Question Two: What do you consider the top priority for residents in your precinct (Precinct 5) as you prepare for the opening of the 2025 Town Meeting session?
Pamela J. Goodwin: One of the top priorities for a large number of Precinct 5 residents continues to be the planned re-use – and especially residents’ input into the compilation of ideas and the decision making process – of closed town properties such as schools, public buildings, etc. within the Precinct. We all look to the Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, and other officials to keep an open mind and continue to solicit comments, ideas, questions, etc. from the community prior to finalizing any plans.
Other top priorities for Precinct 5 residents continue to include the schools, parks and playgrounds, and other Town services.
Jaclyn Hickman: A top priority in my precinct would have to do with the Lynnhurst School/field. I would like to make sure that it remains an area where neighbors/residents in my precinct will be able to engage in outdoor activities, such as being able to use the softball field, playground, basketball court, etc. This seems to be a widespread concern throughout Precinct 5.
Brenton Spencer: The top priorities for Precinct Five would be the Lynnhurst School property. Whatever happens to the school and playground, the residents in the neighborhood and the town should be kept informed and have a say in the matter. Another concern is the condition of the roads and sidewalks and to make sure they are repaired and maintained. A concern for the precinct and all of the town is the traffic and how to patrol it and control it.
Ronald Wallace: As far as issues in Precinct 5 we are unique, having almost no commercial business. Future of the former Lynnhurst School is tops then Traffic on Walnut St is number 2 and keeps getting worse. Trash all over the place making Saugus look bad. This is actually a town wide issue.
Question Three: Are you working independently or in collaboration with other members on articles to be introduced for this year’s Town Meeting? Could you please elaborate? Summarize your article and what you hope to accomplish.
Pamela J. Goodwin: Precinct 5 Town Meeting members have a strong history of collaboration and working well together to achieve the best possible outcomes for the precinct we represent. Although we are not currently working on a specific article as a group right now, we would not hesitate to do so in the future.
Jaclyn Hickman: At the current time, I am not working on any articles.
Brenton Spencer: I’m not working on any articles for this year’s town meeting. After the town warrant is finalized, there could be some amendments to some of the articles.
Ronald Wallace: I am not currently working on any articles.
Question Four: Please feel free to share any other views about the upcoming Town Meeting.
Pamela J. Goodwin: I’m extremely grateful to continue to represent the residents of Precinct 5. It has always been my honor, and I appreciate your confidence in me by allowing me to once again represent you at Town Meeting. I’m also excited and eagerly looking forward to working with all the Town Meeting members to continue to make Saugus the best that it can be!
Jaclyn Hickman: I look forward to working with the other Town Meeting Members to help move Saugus forward in a positive and productive manner.
Brenton Spencer: I would like to thank all town meeting members for serving their town. Thank you to the Finance Committee and Planning Board for volunteering their time on the town meeting warrant. Most boards and committees in town are run by volunteers who donate their time. It’s not always said but thank you for your commitment to the town. If any resident has any concerns about their neighborhood or town, feel free to contact one of their town meeting members.
Ronald Wallace: With this being an election year residents need to choose wisely. Town Meeting has had a problem with attendance in the past. I would love to see all 50 members attend the Annual Town Meeting.