I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sebastian DiModica. I am running for your town selectman. I was born and raised in Malden Massachusetts and I’ve been living in Saugus since 2008 with my wife and three children. I have owned my own business for over 30 years, I currently own a New England tree company business in town. I am running for town selectman because I’m a true believer that complaining about things you don’t like isn’t going to change anything, taking action does. I feel that the town has become divided over a lot of issues and challenges that we face as a community, such as traffic, our health and well-being regarding the WIN Waste plant, the illegal immigrants being housed up and down Route One through our town in almost every hotel, our empty schools, our need for another fire station. These are just some of the issues I plan to tackle if elected. I believe in education and understanding of our issues will help the community create better results. I would like to see one of our empty schools turned into an after school program where kids can go and learn extracurricular activities – common sense things necessary for a quality adult life, such as cooking economics, musical instruments, maybe a trade. We can have some of our older students run tutoring classes after school at these facilities. I would like to see every month from April to November represent a different culture that our community is made up of and we have a feast on that month representing that culture. I plan to run with full transparency and accountability and I would really love your vote. They say “doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.” I’m here to offer a new perspective. A new outlook that will keep moving Saugus forward. I hope you all have a blessed afternoon.
Sebastian DiModica IV
DiModica Property Development