The Family of Stephen Wing will be providing a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior from any area high school who participated in a Saugus youth baseball or softball program. Applicants must be planning to attend a post-secondary school. The scholarship award will be given directly to the successful applicant.
The $500 Stephen Wing Memorial Scholarship was created by Stephen’s Family in memory of a boy who loved life and thoroughly enjoyed playing and participating in youth baseball programs. Stephen’s desire to improve and willingness to work hard to achieve a goal enabled him to be considered a skilled baseball player. Stephen lost his battle with illness at the age of 10.
Interested seniors are asked to provide the screening committee with the following:
(1) a copy of your student data sheet (resume) and
(2) a persuasive cover letter indicating why the applicant is an appropriate candidate for the scholarship (cover letters should indicate the teams/leagues participated in and the candidate’s efforts to work hard to achieve goals. Additionally, the family seeks a candidate who demonstrates persistence and teamwork.