Wakefield, Mass. – Taking the Mystery out of a Company Retirement Plan Including the Impact of the Current Financial Market will be the topic of the upcoming webinar presented by The Savings Bank (TSB) for customers and the public on Wednesday, November 17, beginning at 7 p.m. The webinar will be conducted by Andrew DiNuccio, Investment Officer and Manager of the 401(k) program at First Financial Trust, a TSB subsidiary. Andrew will share his knowledge and experience of the regulatory and financial considerations involved in the 401(k) business, including his management of 401(k) departments and his work with business owners to help them find the best investment solution for their employees. He has also helped guide employees in customizing retirement plans to fit their specific needs and risk tolerance.
Andrew will present an overview of the financial market in 2021 to date, factors affecting recent and future markets – including inflation, political landscape, China, supply chain crunch, and cybersecurity – and expectations for the financial market in 2022. He will also review what to look for in setting up a new 401(k) plan, and how to potentially lower costs and increase benefits on an existing 401(k) plan. Webinar topics will include different capacities you can select your retirement plan advisor to act in, the differences and benefits of a 3(38) and 3(21) advisor, the constantly shifting ERISA landscape and how a fiduciary investment advisor can take the challenging burden off a business owner, and the tax benefits employers and employees receive by investing into a defined contribution retirement plan and how your retirement plan advisor works directly with your tax advisor to ensure you are taking full advantage of these benefits.
Participants will have the ability to ask questions during the presentation. Participants can sign up with Andrew at the conclusion of the webinar to review an existing plan and see if costs can be reduced or an investment strategy can be modified – or work through the benefits of starting a 401(k) plan.
To register for the November 17th webinar, or for information regarding future topics, email marketing@tsbawake24.com.
Established in 1869, The Savings Bank, which is headquartered in Wakefield, Mass., is a $675 million community bank with offices in Wakefield, Lynnfield, North Reading, Andover and Methuen.