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The Sounds of Saugus

GUESS WHO GOT SKETCHED FOR Jan. 13 Saugus Advocate

Good Morning, Saugus!

  Best wishes to everyone for a safe, happy and productive three-day weekend. But take some time to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the famous civil rights leader who is the reason for the holiday that we will observe on Monday.

  Dr. King accomplished a lot in his 39 years before an assassin’s bullet ended his life. He was best known for delivering his “I’ve got a dream” speech during the August 1963 March on Washington, which drew a quarter of a million people. Through peaceful, nonviolent protests, King was the catalyst for many social changes for the betterment of African Americans. Nobody played a bigger role in the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and early 60s than King. He was truly a pioneer who blazed a trail for others to follow. And his legacy lives on nearly 55 years after his death.

  So, grab a book at the library, watch a documentary on television and reflect on the courage and great accomplishments at personal sacrifice of this great American.


Looking ahead to Saugus Over Coffee

  I put out the word in last week’s column that I wanted to hang out in popular coffee joints all over town, talking to voters in each of the 10 precincts about their concerns. But I haven’t heard back from any readers with recommendations for good coffee shops around Saugus that would be conducive to citizen discussions about challenging neighborhood issues in this year’s town elections.

  Meanwhile, a Town Meeting member suggested to me that there could be distractions in a coffee shop that might interfere with a good discussion. After mulling it over, I decided it would be more productive to hold Saugus Over Coffee forums in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library.

  The library and The Saugus Advocate will be cosponsoring a series of 10 Monday night forums – one devoted to each precinct. And we’ll spring for the coffee and tea for those folks who are willing to show up and tell us about the neighborhood issues that concern them the most. And hopefully, they will get a chance to meet their Town Meeting members. And, of course, the Town Meeting members will benefit from hearing some of their constituents talk about issues that concern them.

Host agreement negotiations continue

  Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano has rescheduled the meeting with representatives of WIN Waste Innovations to this Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. in the second floor auditorium at Town Hall. Cogliano said the purpose of this meeting is to listen to another proposal from WIN to selectmen.

  Selectmen, back in October, approved a Host Community Agreement (HCA) with WIN Waste Innovations that enables the company to extend the life of the ash landfill adjacent to its trash-to-energy plant on Route 107 by two decades. But the amended HCA, which selectmen supported by a slim 3-2 vote, includes substantial changes – including a provision that the Town of Saugus receive free tipping fees for waste disposal over the life of the agreement. The town currently pays about $900,000 in annual tipping fees to WIN Waste Innovations.

  Whatever selectmen do with the latest WIN offer is a moot point if it doesn’t have the blessing of the state Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), the Board of Health and Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree – all have to weigh in on any deal between the town and WIN.

One-day trash delay

  The Town of Saugus announces that trash and recycling collection will run on a one-day delay for the Martin Luther King Holiday. Trash and recycling will not be collected on Monday, Jan. 16, due to the holiday. Collection will resume on a one-day delay on Tuesday, Jan. 17. Residents are kindly asked to leave trash and recycling items at the curbside by 7 a.m. the day after their normally scheduled collection day. The Town of Saugus would like to thank everyone for their cooperation.

  Please contact Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator Scott A. Brazis at 781-231-4036 with any questions.


We have two winners!

  Congratulations to Jean Lyons and Sue Fleming for making the right identification in last week’s “Guess Who Got Sketched” contest. They were among several readers who responded, but they were the only ones to share their wishes.

  Here is the correct answer offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist:

  “The answer to the last two week’s sketch, ‘Father Time’ was just a fun sketch thrown in the mix: This version of Father Time, and baby New Year was created from a compilation of faces and objects observed while reflecting.

  “So the answer was a two for one! You could guess ‘Father Time’ and be right or you could be brave and venture out with your three wishes and hopes for 2023 the New Year.

  “Wishing you Shalom, Health and Joy for the New Year

  “Yours Truly,

  “The Sketch Artist”

  Here are the New Year’s wishes expressed by our winners.

  Jean: “I have three good wishes for the whole town. One is continued success from both of our new directors at the Youth Center and the senior center. All the best for our students in all of our schools and very good health for all the Saugonians. Those are my wishes. I hope they all come true.

  Sue: I am hoping for a good 2023 for everyone. Wishing for happiness, health and peace. Also a new fire station for Saugus wouldn’t hurt!

Fifth Grade Open House

  Saugus Public Schools invites all fifth-grade families for an open house at the Saugus Middle/High School Complex on Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 6 p.m. Families and students will have an opportunity to learn more about the town’s state-of-the-art middle and high schools and the work going on inside, including the new Early College Program.


Comedy at the Kowloon

  The Kowloon Restaurant has set its January comedy lineup with talent featuring Tony V. Here’s the lineup: Paul D’Angelo, Friday, January 13; Harrison Stebbins, Friday, January 20; Tony V, Friday, January 27. Tickets are $20 and show time is 8 p.m. at the Kowloon Restaurant on Route 1 North in Saugus. For tickets, call the Kowloon Restaurant at 781-233-0077.


Craft Fair and Flea Market

  The Knights of Columbus Council 1829 will host an indoor craft fair and flea market on Saturday, Feb. 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 57 Appleton St., Saugus. A snow date has been set for Feb. 25. Vendors/Table cost: $25. There will be refreshments, a cash bar and raffles. To reserve a table or obtain more information, please call Paul Giannetta at 978-239-1392.

“Shout Outs” to the Youth Cross Country program

  We didn’t receive any nominations from our readers this week. So, using editorial discretion, I’m going to send a mega “shout out” to the Youth Cross Country program (first- through fifth-graders), which is sponsored by the Youth and Recreation Department.

  The team, under the leadership of Coach Chris Tarantino, finished its second season in the fall. The team had 27 participants with 15 participating in the season-ending eighth annual Elementary Cross Country Championship meet on Veterans Day, November 11, at Gannon Municipal Golf Course in Lynn, followed by a pizza and pasta lunch at Prince Pizzeria (Route 1, Saugus). The group then gathered the following Tuesday and Thursday for games and acknowledgments.

  “Over the ten week program, the student athletes dedicated themselves to the hard work and training all along while having fun and developed a stronger sense of focus and determination,” Coach Tarantino wrote me in an email back in the fall.

  “Between practice meets at Frye Park in Lynn, popsicle practices, Halloween Fun Runs, and numerous social and team building games and activities, the participants had a lot to challenge and engage them during that time,” he said. “Thanks to coach Boudreau and coach Babcock for all their guidance, mentorship, wisdom and encouragement to all.”

  This team of 27 kids is overdue for some praise it should have received back in the fall. So, we will pull some highlights from an unpublished press release: “Of the 12 girls on the roster eight of them participated last year with Naomi Tarantino stepping up to fulfill a leadership role quietly modeling expectations and carrying out warm ups, cool downs, and workouts with her 5th grade teammates Olivia Clark and Avalynn Giacobee. Naomi was joined by Skylar Li as returning runners for the November 11th race both running personal best times by upwards of two minutes.

  “Seven of the 15 boys were back from last fall, with 5th grader Nicholas Kohr using his experience on Veterans Day to guide his younger teammates…1st-3rd graders ran a .7 mile course with the 4th and 5th graders running at 1.2 mile course. All participants received ribbons with the top 10 receiving medals. Everyone ran well with … improved times from the previous year with 4th grader Blake Willis of Lynn finishing 10th. Thomas LeBlanc, 3rd grade Saugus, placed 3rd with teammate and Malden native, Luiz Sena taking the top spot finishing 1st.”

  Hats off to the 27 participants who finished a successful season: The girls and their respective grades: Ana Ristanovic,1st; Presley Zammuto Pitterson 1st; Amelia Clark, 3rd; Lilly Waters, 3rd; Cora Cottam, 4th; Maya Vrankic, 4th; Skylar Li, 4th; Avalynn Giacobee, 5th; Hazel DeFeo, 5th; Naomi Tarantino, 5th; Olivia Clark, 5th; and Zoey Ripley, 5th.

  The boys and their respective grades: Bo Dusseault, 1st; Domenic Bruzzese, 1st; Lucas Rogers, 1st; Sonny Loconte, 1st; Ben Belliveau, 2nd; Brayden Giacobee, 2nd; Felipe Frossard, 2nd; Liam Marcu, 3rd; Luiz Sena, 3rd; Thomas LeBlanc, 3rd; Blake Willis, 4th; Connor Waters, 5th; Luka Ristanovic, 5th; Matthew Bell, 5th; and Nicholas Kohr, 5th.


Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian?

  This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mv***@co*****.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo.

Legion breakfasts on Friday mornings

  Saugus American Legion Post 210 hosts its popular breakfasts from 8-9 a.m. on Fridays. The Legion requests a donation of $8 from those who are looking for a delicious meal at Legion Hall. The Legion also welcomes veterans who can’t afford the meal to enjoy a free breakfast. Bon appétit!


Compost/Recycling Drop-Off Site Closing for Winter

  The Town of Saugus Compost/Recycling Drop-Off Site closed for the winter season on Dec. 10. The site will reopen for recycling on the third Saturday of the month in January, February and March, weather permitting. The dates are Saturday, January 21, Saturday, February 18, and Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please contact Director of Solid Waste/Recycling Scott Brazis at 781-231-4036 with any questions.


What’s happening at the Saugus Public Library

  For schoolchildren looking for interesting projects and programs to participate in this fall, there’s plenty to do at the Saugus Public Library. There are also some very good programs offered for grownups, too.

  Bean Doodling Workshop: Learn how to create a cartoon! Play sketching games, work together to make interesting characters and settings and explore how to build a narrative. This special workshop for 5th graders and up is set for Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. in the Community Room. No experience necessary. To register call 781-231-4168 or visit http://www.eventkeeper.com/code/ekform.cfm?curOrg=SAUGUS&curName=2023/01/24_Doodling_Workshop

  50+ Job Seekers Networking Group on Zoom:

  (Editor’s Note: This program is a series that began in January, but folks should register for it as soon as possible if they wish to participate.)

  If you are unemployed and actively looking, underemployed, seeking a new career direction, re-entering the job market after a long employment gap or recently retired and looking for your “Encore Career,” this networking group program is perfect for you! Remember, 85% of jobs are found through networking!

  The Massachusetts Library Collaborative’s 50+ Job Seekers Networking Group meets on Wednesdays via Zoom from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the first and third week of each month, January–June 2023. For the convenience of those who cannot attend the morning sessions, the group will also meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Register for either morning or evening sessions. By registering for one morning session, you will also be registered for all other morning sessions. The same is true for the evening sessions.

  Each biweekly meeting is facilitated by Deborah Hope, MBA, PCIC, an experienced executive career coach. Deborah is a former Fortune 500 executive, investment banker and entrepreneur and transitioned to executive coaching over 12 years ago. She has coached with Harvard Business School Executive Education programs and the Mass. Conference for Women, and she has been trained or certified in a variety of coaching models and assessment tools. Deborah has facilitated 50+ job seekers networking groups since 2016.

  The Tewksbury Library has partnered with libraries in Andover, Billerica, Chelmsford, Danvers, North Andover, Saugus, Shrewsbury, Westford and Wilmington (among others) to sponsor this group. Registrants will receive a link to access the Zoom Meeting via email. Please register in advance from our online Events Calendar.

  Join our Teen Advisory Board: first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Teen Room; fifth grade and up. Meet with the Teen Librarian once a month to talk about what you’d like for programs and materials at the library. Your opinion matters! No registration required. Snacks provided! sauguspubliclibrary.org – 781-231-4168

  Just Sew! Saugonians are welcome to join a monthly sewing class for adults that is held on the third Monday of each month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Saugus Public Library. The next meeting is Monday, Jan. 16. The class will cover basic topics like sewing buttons, hemming clothing and mending torn fabric and will move on to more advanced topics in the coming weeks. This class is free. (See sauguspubliclibrary.org)

  A neat teen group called Manga & Anime Club: The Manga & Anime Club, from all accounts, is a lot of fun for kids in Grades 6 and up. So, if you are curious, check out the Teen Room. Chat with friends! Make crafts! Try Japanese snacks! Club meetings will continue on Saturdays, through May, from 10-11 a.m. They will be held on Feb. 4, March 4, April 1 and May 13. Please sign up in advance; call 781-231-4168 or stop by the Reference Desk. https://www.sauguspubliclibrary.org/new-manga-anime-club…/ – Saugus Public Library, 295 Central St., Saugus, Mass.

First Baptist Church presents “Can We Talk…”

  First Baptist Church Pastor Leroy Mahoney invites troubled people to join others in a special program called “Can We Talk … Community conversations on Trauma and Healing” on the first Thursday of every month, from 6 to 7 p.m. at Rev. Isaac Mitchell Jr. Fellowship Hall (105 Main St. in Saugus). “Join us as we gather in community to share our stories, thoughts and feelings about whatever you are going through,” Rev. Mahoney stated in a written announcement.

  “As always, it is a safe space to come together in community,” he said.

Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus

  (Editor’s Note: The following info is from an announcement submitted by Julie Cicolini, a member of the Board of Directors for Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus.)

  Who we are: Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (HS2) is a nonprofit group of volunteers who are helping to offset food insecurity in households. HS2 provides students/families who enroll in the program a supply of nutritious food for when school lunches and breakfasts are unavailable to them on weekends.

  How HS2 can help you: HS2 bags are distributed at Saugus Public schools on Fridays to take home. Bags include such items as peanut butter, canned meals/soups/tuna/vegetables, pasta, fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, goldfish, pretzels and granola bars. All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope these resources will support the health, behavior and achievement of every student who participates. To sign up go here to complete online form: https://forms.gle/gmMGguycSHBdziuE9

  Want to partner with us: We would love to partner with organizations, sports teams, youth groups, PTOs, businesses and individuals to assist in feeding students of Saugus. To learn more about how you can partner with us, visit the Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Facebook page or email us at HS*******@gm***.com

  HS2 relies on donations to create take-home bags for a weekend full of meals. Checks can also be sent directly to: Salem Five C/O Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus, 855-5 Broadway,

Saugus, MA 01906. Online donations can also be made at: https://givebutter.com/HealthySaugus


About The Saugus Advocate

  We welcome press releases, news announcements, freelance articles and courtesy photos from the community. Our deadline is noon Wednesday. If you have a story idea, an article or photo to submit, please email me at mv***@co*****.net, or leave a message at 978-683-7773. Let us become your hometown newspaper. The Saugus Advocate is available in the Saugus Public Library, the Saugus Senior Center, Saugus Town Hall, local convenience stores and restaurants throughout town.

Let’s hear it!

  Got an idea, passing thought or gripe you would like to share with The Saugus Advocate? I’m always interested in your feedback. It’s been six and a half years since I began work at The Saugus Advocate. I’m always interested in hearing readers’ suggestions for possible stories or good candidates for “The Advocate Asks” interview of the week. Feel free to email me at mv***@co*****.net.

  Do you have some interesting views on an issue that you want to express to the community? Submit your idea. If I like it, we can meet for a 15- to 20-minute interview over a hot drink at a local coffee shop. And I’ll buy the coffee or tea. Or, if you prefer to continue practicing social distancing and be interviewed from the safety of your home on the phone or via email, I will provide that option to you as the nation recovers from the Coronavirus crisis. If it’s a nice day, my preferred site for a coffee and interview would be the picnic area of the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site. 


GUESS WHO GOT SKETCHED FOR Jan. 13 Saugus Advocate 

GUESS WHO GOT SKETCHED! If you know the right answer, you might win the contest. In this week’s edition, we continue our weekly feature where a local artist sketches people, places and things in Saugus. Got an idea who was sketched this week? If you do, please email me at mv***@co*****.net or leave a phone message at 978-683-7773. Anyone who between now and Tuesday at noon identifies the Saugonian sketched in this week’s paper qualifies to have their name put in a green Boston Red Sox hat with a chance to be selected as the winner of a $10 gift certificate, compliments of Hammersmith Family Restaurant at 330 Central St. in Saugus. But you have to enter to win! Look for the winner and identification in next week’s “The Sounds of Saugus.” Please leave your mailing address in case you are a winner. (Courtesy illustration to The Saugus Advocate by a Saugonian who goes by the name of “The Sketch Artist”)

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