By Mark E. Vogler
See you Saturday at Saugus Center
Normally, I find errands to get done over my weekend – or just relax while spending my time enjoying family, friends or fun pursuits.
But I do plan to get up early tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 9, to spend half of my day off in Saugus, enjoying the 41st Annual Founders Day. I have no special plans, but look forward to catching up with friends and acquaintances I may have missed.
I have traveled this country far and wide – to Nantucket, up to Maine and Vermont, down to Virginia and Florida and out to West Texas covering a wide range of human interest and news stories in the course of 50 years.
And I have to say that Saugus has a great tradition going on tomorrow that is somewhat unique in my travels.
A lot of hard work from many people in the community went into making Founders Day the great event it is.
I’ll be hanging out around the Saugus High Band’s Jail cell, hoping to get some photos of some of the local celebrities and politicos looking like jailbirds – all for a good cause.
Have a great weekend!
Grand Knights Banquet tonight
The Saugus Knights of Columbus Council #1829 is hosting a Grand Knights’ Banquet today (Friday, Sept. 9th.) The event will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 57 Appleton Street, Saugus, starting at 6 p.m. This event is to recognize all past Grand Knights, but it’s in special recognition of Former Grand Knight, Chris Luongo, for his devotion to charity and the
Saugus Community.
The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 and has 1.9 million members around the world. Core values include integrity, professionalism, excellence, and respect. Charity is at the heart of everything we do. Everyone is welcome to attend this event! Tickets are
$30 each. For more information, please call Richard at 781-858-1117.
Youth Cross Country
Hey parents! If you have a child or several kids who could use an opportunity to get into a more healthy lifestyle – which might in term – lead to better academic scores, consider getting them to sign up for Youth Cross Country.
Here’s a simple outline of what this entails.
Who: Any Saugus child in grades 1 through 5.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. at the Belmonte Track; Saturdays, 10 to 11:30 the Visitor Center at Breakheart Reservation.
Dates: The program began this week and will last through Nov. 15.
Why: to learn to enjoy Cross Country Running and make new friends.
Cost: $100 for new runners; $50 for returning runners.
This weekly program will be guided by Coach Steve Boudreau and Coach Chris Tarantino. Children will learn good stretching techniques and learn the basics of exercise and Cross Country running. Best of all, this will be a great way to make new friends.
Participants need to wear a good pair of sneakers, dress in comfortable running clothes and bring a water bottle.
For details, contact Coach T (Not Mr. T.) at 781-854-6778.
Sounds like a worthwhile and affordable fitness program with lots of upside for grade school kids.
Fall festival hopes prevail
Peter A. Rossetti Jr. of the Friends of Breakheart was optimistic this week about Breakheart Reservation hosting a fall festival on Oct. 1, as in past years – despite the fire that’s been burning for several weeks.
The state Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has tree cutting crews set to go into the woods soon to remove the dead wood so that visitors will not be exposed to the dangers of falling trees.
“With any kind of luck, they hope to have it open pretty soon so people can enjoy the place,” Rossetti said this week.
“The crews were supposed to be in there yesterday (Aug. 30) doing cleanup,” he said. Rossetti noted that most of the fire damage has been on the Wakefield/Main Street side of the park.
Meanwhile, Rossetti said he’s confident that the fall festival set for Oct. 1 will not be canceled.
“This will be the First Annual Breakheart Family Festival,” Rossetti said.
“It had been called the Fall Festival in the past and it was something we had been going to for 20 years. It’s going to be the same idea, but they will do away with pumpkin-decorating, which DCR just doesn’t have the staff to do anymore,” he said.
“DCR is downplaying the hands on arts and crafts decorating of pumpkins. We do expect face-painting, some music activities and games for kids to play. It will last from10 a.m to 1 p.m. on Oct. 1.
Rossetti said he believes the festival will include a petting zoo and some nature exhibits featuring raptors and birds of prey. There will be a mounted unit, either from the State Police or the DCR.
The festival will be co-sponsored by DCR and the Friends of Breakheart.
Legion breakfasts resume
We received this announcement from Debra Dion Faust, the House Manager of Saugus American Legion Post 210:
“At last night’s (Aug. 30) E-Board meeting it was decided that, when we reopen the breakfast at the American Legion for the 2022-23 season on Friday, September 9, with breakfast served from 8 – 9 a.m., we will need to raise the donation for it to $8 rather than $7 due to the great increase in the price of food.
“I will be sending out an email to those of our guests who have signed onto a group emailing list laying this out, on Friday, September 2, but I thought you might want the information to include in The Advocate. (And thank you.)…”
Even with the increase, this is welcome news for the folks who look forward to the Friday morning breakfasts at Legion Hall. Bon appétit!
Saugus Historical Society meets next week
The Saugus Historical Society’s first meeting of the fall will be on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. at 30 Main Street, the home of Saugus Historical Society and Saugus Cable Television station. As is our custom, the meeting is open to the public and you are not required to be
a member to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Members of the Parson Roby Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will present a program on their organization which has an emphasis of historical preservation. The national organization was formed in 1890
and is a lineage-based organization whose members can trace their ancestry back to the American Revolution. The original Parson Roby Chapter was very active in Saugus in the early to mid-twentieth century and was very instrumental in preserving the Appleton Taylor
Mansfield house and the Saugus Ironworks site which is now a national park, particularly due to the activism of M. Louise Hawkes who was also president of Saugus Historical Society for approximately two decades. In the later twentieth century and the beginning of this one the Saugus chapter was inactive until just a few years ago when the current group
of ladies resurrected it. Their most visible recent activity may be the Wreaths Across America project which had a large showing in our town this year, with wreaths being donated to many veterans’ graves and a moving ceremony at Riverside.
A submarine near Saugus?
Local Author Stephen Wilk will talk about that unusual event on Sept. 15 at the Saugus Public Library
(Editor’s Note: The Saugus Public Library issued the following press release this week)
How did an S49 Submarine Get so Close to Saugus?
Join us at the library on September 15 at 6:30 pm to hear the answer to that question from local author Stephen Wilk.
Launched in 1921, Submarine S49 was built for the United States Navy but was eventually sold 10 years later to “Captain” Francis J. Chrestensen who turned it into a floating tourist attraction, for which he charged a 25-cent admission.
One of its stops was Point-O-Pines in Revere.
Stephen Wilk has been writing and publishing since 1979. He’s interested in the unusual, including edible lasers, and questions like “Why do vampires dissolve in sunlight?”.
Anyone interested in local history or submarines will enjoy his program. No registration is required for this free program.
Saugus Public Library, 295 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906
781.231.4168 /
Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Program Resumes for the 22-23 School Year
(Editor’s Note: The following is an announcement submitted by Julie Cicolini, a member of the Board of Directors for Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus, providing information about the return of the program for the new school year)
Who we are:
Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus (HS2) is a non-profit group of volunteers that are helping to offset food insecurity in households. HS2 provides students/families that enroll in the program a weekend supply of nutritious food when school lunches and breakfasts are unavailable to them on weekends.
How HS2 can help you:
HS2 bags are distributed at Saugus Public schools on Fridays to take home. Bags include such items as peanut butter, canned meals/soups/tuna/vegetables, pasta, fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, goldfish, pretzels and granola bars. All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope these resources will support the health, behavior, and achievement of every student who participates.
To sign up go here to complete online form:
Want to partner with us:
We would love to partner with organizations, sports teams, youth groups, PTO’s, businesses and individuals to assist in feeding students of Saugus. To learn more about how you can partner with us visit the Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus Facebook page or email us at
HS2 relies on donations to create take home bags with a weekend full of meals.
Checks can also be sent directly to:
Salem Five
C/O Healthy Students-Healthy Saugus
855-5 Broadway
Saugus MA, 01906
Online donations can also be made at:
DEP officials to visit Saugus on Sept. 28
If you have concerns about whether to close the ash landfill near the WIN Waste Innovations trash-to-energy plant on Route 107 or support its expansion, this is a meeting that you might want to mark down on your calendar.
State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) representatives are scheduled to meet with town officials and concerned residents at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 in the second floor auditorium at Town Hall for what is expected to be a discussion on the potential future of the ash landfill.
The meeting comes at time when WIN Waste Innovation officials have offered to pay the town up to $18.8 million in return for using the ash landfill for another 25 years.
A major obstacle to any deal would be whether the DEP would allow extending the life of the ash landfill – which is expected to meet its capacity by the end of 2025.
No winners this week
It’s hard to believe that with all of the history buffs in town, nobody guessed correctly on last Friday’s sketch of a very visible monument to a long-departed Saugus hero that hundreds of drivers and pedestrians pass every day on Hamilton Street.
Here’s the correct answer, offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist:
“Throughout Saugus there are many memorials honoring our true heroes. Last week’s sketch is from a sculpture of the Central Fire Station Memorial dedicated to Chief Mellon R. Joy. The sketch is of the sculpture of Chief Mellon R. Joy’s face. Have you seen this monument/ Chief Joy’s memorial plaque is on a boulder surrounded by a beautiful array of flowers which is quite a presentation. This is the same area where the explosion fire almost a hundred years ago (87) earlier took his life.
“Chief Joy was a Boston Firefighter Captain and he had become a Firefighter Chief to Saugus. On July 29th a day in 1935, Chief Mellon Joy showed up for duty, and on that fateful day there was a mortal fire and chemical explosion. Chief Mellon R. Joy was mortally wounded, and lost his life from complications of the fire and explosion July 31,1935.
“Two of the other firefighters –, Norman Hull and Warren Newhall – who battled the fires although severely injured and burned, survived.
“The Statement ” And still they come,and they come with the pureness of people ready to risk their lives for someone else” Jimmy Breslin is from the engraved words of Chief R. Mellon Joy’s Memorial Monument plaque.
What a majestic tribute for a deserving hero!
Thank you!
yours Truly,
“ The Sketch Artist”
“Shout outs” to our everyday heroes
We didn’t receive any nominations from readers this week.
So, I will exercise my editorial prerogative to nominate all of the Saugus firefighters, police officers and emergency response workers who put their lives and safety on the line every day to protect the public.
Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian?
This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out — in a brief mention — remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents. Or, an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email ( with the mention in the subject line, “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph. Anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo.
Volunteer to serve on a town board
The Saugus Board of Selectmen is accepting applications for appointments to the Saugus Cemetery Commission for the Town of Saugus. This is a volunteer/ non paid position for Saugus residents. Those interested may submit a letter of interest / resume, no later
than Sept. 16.
Saugus Board of Selectmen
Saugus Town Hall
298 Central Street, Suite 4
Saugus, MA 01906
“Zoom” Book Study
The Rev. John Beach of St. John’s Episcopal Church wants to get the word out to Saugonians who might be interested in participating in a new book study, via “Zoom” video conferencing.
The book is called “The Violence Project: How to Stop A Mass Shooting Epidemic By Jillian Peterson, PhD and James Densley, PhD”
It’s the Winner of the 2022 Minnesota Book Award
“Using data from the writers’ groundbreaking research on mass shooters, including first-person accounts from the perpetrators themselves, The Violence Project charts new
pathways to prevention and innovative ways to stop the social contagion of violence.
“Frustrated by reactionary policy conversations that never seemed to convert into meaningful action, special investigator and psychologist Jill Peterson and sociologist James Densley built The Violence Project, the first comprehensive database of mass shooters. Their goal was to establish the root causes of mass shootings and figure out how to stop them.
”If you ever wondered how can we stop mass shootings, this is the book for you. By mixing compelling first-person interviews with mass shooters and significant data analysis, The Violence Project illustrates the tangible ways we can intervene and prevent a tragedy
from occurring. No one is helpless-read this book and help stop violence before it starts.”
Rev. Beach says the book study meets on Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 – 8:30 East Coast Time, from Sept.7th through Oct. 5th
For more information, contact The Rev. John Beach at
What’s happening at the Saugus Public Library
For school children looking for interesting projects and programs to participate in this summer, there’s plenty to do at the Saugus Public Library.
Curious about snakes?
Cape Ann Vernal Ponds will present “Snakes of New England & the World” on Saturday, Sept. 17 at 10:30 a.m. outdoors at the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site. This special program, co-sponsored by the Saugus Public Library and the Iron Works, is open to folks of all ages – from children to senior citizens – of people who are interested in learning more about snakes.
No registration is required. Please check the library’s online event calendar for weather-related updates.
Reading Squad
The Reading Squad will be meeting Sept. 8 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Saugus Public Library, where there will be discussion, activities and snacks.
Squad members will read the award-winning novel., “The Year of the Dog,” by Grace Lin. Copies are available at the Children’s Desk. This program is recommended for children from age 9 to 12.
“Be Cool! Learn to Sew!
Here’s a great idea offered by Joyce Rodenhiser:
“Would you like to save and have fun? JUST SEW! Come to the Saugus Public Library and learn to sew on the second Monday of the month at 6 P.M. The class is tailored to the needs of the students! We teach basic sewing skills that you can use now! It’s air conditioned and we can do a lot in an hour. Join the JUST SEW class, it’s Free.”
A neat, new teen club
New Manga & Anime Club starting in September! Chat with friends! Make crafts! Try Japanese snacks! Grades 6 & up.
The first meeting will be Saturday, Sept 17 from 10-11 a.m. in the Teen Room.
Club meetings will continue on Saturdays, through May, from 10-11 a.m..
They will be held Sept 17, Oct 1, Nov 12, Dec 10, Jan 7, Feb 4, March 4, April 1, and May 13.
Please sign up in advance, call 781-231-4168 or stop by the Reference Desk.…/
Saugus Public Library 295 Central Street Saugus MA
Saugus seeks student poll workers
Town Clerk Ellen Schena’s Office is looking for student election workers. It is a great way for them to learn how their government functions and how important it is to vote. Sixteen-year-old students are eligible to work ½ day (6-8 hours); 17-18 year old students may work a full day (8-12hours). All students can receive community service which is imperative to them in order to satisfy their High School requirement mandated for graduation. Or, they can be paid for their hours worked. In addition, the Town Clerk’s Office will gladly write letters of recommendation for National Honors Society, Colleges, ect. Interested students can stop by Town Hall or contact the Town Clerk’s Office to apply for work. Ask for Andrew DePatto, the Saugus Election Coordinator. He can be reached at 781-231-4102.
Food pantry seeks volunteers
Here’s a message from Pastor Joe Hoyle of the Cliftondale Congregational Church about a collaborative community commitment to help needy Saugus residents:
“The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry is a partnership between the churches in Saugus to ensure that no one in our community faces food insecurity.”
“With faithful donations and volunteers, we have been able to give out thousands of meals to our neighbors in need throughout the years.” The Food Pantry is open every Friday from 9:30am-11am, distributing pre-packaged groceries (including meat and produce) at 50 Essex St.
“We are always in need of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer or donate, please contact Pastor Joe Hoyle, Executive Director at or 781-233-2663.”
Concerts for vets
Rockin 4 Vets presents ‘Homegrown Rock Concerts’ and ‘Throw Back Thursdays’ for New England Vets this summer at the Kowloon Restaurant’s outdoor venue, Route 1 North in Saugus. For tickets and prices go to Tickets@GIMMELIVE.COM.
Tribute Bands — Doors open at 6pm – Concert at 7 p.m.
SEPTEMBER: September 15 – Completely Unleashed – Van Halen
If you would like to attend a show, please call Lauren at 617.247.4112. Band photos available upon request.
Mums for Youth Soccer
Starting on Friday, Sept. 16, Saugus Youth Soccer will be selling beautiful, hardy Mums at
Anna Parker Field, at 124 Essex St. (next to Fire Station)
There will be multi colors to choose from: red, lavender, yellow, orange and white. Priced at $8.00 each
The Mums will be sold starting Friday around 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Sunday (if needed) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We have ordered over 300 hardy Mums, so don’t hesitate and come down to the field to support Saugus Youth Soccer!!! Thank you and if you have any questions please contact Mary Migliore at or 781-521-5081
Buy a brick to honor a Saugus veteran
The Saugus War Monument Committee once again is sponsoring the Buy A Brick Program to honor all those who have served their country. If you would like to purchase one in the name of someone who is presently serving or has served, in the memory of a loved one, or just from your family, school, etc., the general pricing is $100 for a 4″ X 8″ brick (three lines), $200 for 8″ X 8″ brick (five lines). Each line is a maximum of 15 characters.
The improvement and upkeep of the monument on the corner of Winter and Central streets rely on the generosity of donors through fundraising.
The brick application must be in by Sept. 15th to ensure the bricks will be ready for Veterans Day. Please contact Corinne Riley 781-231-7995, for more information and applications.
SHS Class of ‘62 holds 60th reunion tomorrow
Leaders of The Saugus High School Class of 1962 would like you to “SAVE THE DATE.”
“Their 60th Class Reunion will be held tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Prince Pizzeria in Saugus. They are reaching out to contact fellow classmates as well as other years who would like to join them.
The well-known 50’s and 60’s music group of Howie Conley will be there for their musical enjoyment. Those of you who have heard them know what a
performance they put on.
There will be pizza and salad combinations plus soft drinks. The price includes all you can eat, tax, gratuities, plus Howie Conley’s group and is $29 per person. There is a bar available for wine, beer and mixed drinks. There is no need to purchase tickets at this time.
Please let one of the following people know of your interest either by a phone call or a text message so that you can be easily reached when the time draws near.
No commitment is necessary. They are just exploring the number of interested classmates.
- Donna “Cann” Olivera 781-987-4308
- Jonni “Giantonio” Matrona 781-439-4200
- Janice “Cristiano” Pomeroy 617-512-2097
- Larry Seavers 704-906-2606
1979/1980 Class BBQ
See your Saugus Classmates and Friends!
See you at the 1979/1980 Class BBQ set for Saturday, Sept. 24, from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Elks Grove, 401 Main St, Saugus. Friends and classmates from other classes welcomed;
$40 per person.RSVP by Sept. 10th, 2022 to:
Peter Nicolo (1980) – 13 Bourbon St, Unit 55 Peabody, MA 01960, or email or call (978) 815-8234 or
Contact Mike Allan (1979) – 4 Glen Rd, Topsfield, MA 01983 – (781) 953-2279
“We hope you take this Opportunity to come see your High School friends and help make this a memorable event for all of us!” says Peter S. Nicolo
Kowloon will host Asian Restaurant Association Gala
The Massachusetts Asian Restaurant Association is set to hold its 2022 Gala at the Kowloon Restaurant, 948 Broadway, Route 1 North, Saugus, on Sept. 21. The event is slated from 6 to 10 p.m. (doors open at 5 p.m.) Tickets are $35 per person and include a gourmet Kowloon buffet dinner, guest speakers from the industry, networking, and music.
The Massachusetts Asian Restaurant Association is a non-profit organization that provides a platform connecting Asian restaurant members with professional services in the food industry. The organization also provides information sharing, advocacy, training, money-saving options, and support.
For additional information, call The Kowloon Restaurant at (781) 233-0077 or go to the Massachusetts Asian Restaurant Association’s website at
Looking for book donations
The New Friends of the Saugus Public Library are asking for donations of gently-used adult hardcover and softcover Fiction for the ongoing book sale in the Community Room. They would also appreciate donations of gently-used Children’s Books.
Please limit donations at this time to ONLY Fiction and Children’s books; we do not have storage space for other genres or media.
Please….clean and newer books only. No tattered pages, bad odors, stains, or dirty covers!
Books may be dropped off at the Main Circulation Desk during business hours. Please DO NOT place donations in the outdoor book drops.
Want to be a Knight?
The Knights of Columbus is looking for new members to join. If interested in becoming a member of this local organization, please call 781-233-9858.
Compost site now open
The community’s compost site will be open to residents on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The site is located behind the Department of Public Works at 515 Main Street.
Stickers are required to gain seasonal access to the site. Stickers may be purchased for $25.00 at the Department of Public Works (DPW) located at the Compost Site when making your visit to the Compost Site. The Town accepts checks only for payment of the $25.00. No cash will be accepted. Kindly bring a check when visiting. Thank you!
Compost site stickers must be permanently placed on the lower left corner of the residents’ automobile windshields. Vehicles registered out of state are not permitted.
Yard waste must be disposed of in brown compost bags or open containers. The Town will accept grass clippings, leaves, and brush. As in years past, no branches or limbs larger than three inches in diameter are permitted.
We ask all residents to please wear a mask, maintain and respect social distancing from others while visiting the site. Residents may call Lorna Cerbone at the Solid Waste and Recycling Department at 781-231-4036 with questions or for more information.
Let’s hear it!
Got an idea, passing thought or gripe you would like to share with The Saugus Advocate. I’m always interested in your feedback. It’s been nearly six and a half years since I began work at The Saugus Advocate. I’m always interested in hearing readers’ suggestions for possible stories or good candidates for The Advocate Asks interview of the week. Feel free to email me at
Do you have some interesting views on an issue that you want to express to the community? Submit your idea. If I like it, we can meet for a 15 to 20 minute interview over a hot drink at a local coffee shop. And, I’ll buy the coffee or tea. Or, if you prefer to continue practicing social distancing and be interviewed from the safety of your home on the phone or via email, I will provide that option to you as the nation recovers from the Coronavirus crisis.
If it’s a nice day, my preferred site for a coffee and interview would be the picnic area of the Saugus Iron Works.