- On Oct. 21, 1797, what ship that is the oldest ship still afloat was launched?
- In what 1964 children’s book would you find the Everlasting Gobstopper?
- Canada’s Northwest Territories and Nunavut are the only North American jurisdictions with a non-rectangular license plate; what creature is it shaped like?
- On Oct. 22, 1844, what French “the Divine Sarah” was born?
- What is “guising”?
- What musical instrument has a fallboard?
- What trio recorded “Soul Cake”?
- October 23 is Mole Day, which commemorates Avogadro’s Number, which is used in what science?
- Most wild rice is native to the USA and Canada; what other country has native wild rice?
- Gibraltar candy was the first U.S. commercially made candy (in 1806); what North Shore community is its source?
- On Oct. 24, 1929, Black Thursday happened, which was what?
- “In space, no one can hear you scream,” is the tagline of what 1979 film?
- What is the name of the song including “Roll out the barrel”?
- On Oct. 25, 1937, “Casey” Stengel was named the Boston Bees manager; what would the team later be called?
- How many victims resulted from the Salem Witch Trials: four, 11 or 19?
- Marcella is a character in what series of books about two boy and girl dolls?
- October 26 is National Pumpkin Day; how are Sweetie Pie, Big Moon and Baby Boo similar?
- What culture has a folk song style called fado?
- In what country is Mount Kilimanjaro?
- On Oct. 27, 2004, what team won the World Series after 86 years of losing?