Fred Fattucini, the son of U.S. Army Private Alfred Fattucini, is shown with Councillor-at-Large Michael Marchese, City Council President Wayne Matewsky and Ward 3 Councillor Anthony DiPierro. On June 23, the corner of Duncan Road and Winthrop Road was officially renamed Fattucini Square. (Photos Courtesy of the City of Everett)Mayor Carlo DeMariaFred Fattucini, the son of U.S. Army Private Alfred FattuciniEverett Veterans Commissioner Jeanne CristianoCity officials gathered at the corner of Duncan Road and Winthrop Road on June 23 for the dedication of Fattucini Square. It was named in memory of U.S. Army Private Alfred Fattucini. Fattucini’s son, Fred Fattucini (center), was also on hand for the ceremony.Councillor-at-Large Michael Marchese