Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Election Commission, we want to thank everyone who participated in this election season – the candidates, their supporters, and of course, you the voters. You came out and participated in the process and made your voices heard. You exercised one of your greatest privileges – your right to vote!
Throughout this election season, there has been a team of hard-working individuals who have been committed to making Election Day possible. They have done this work because of the importance of the process. Without the commitment of these dedicated civil servants, we would not be able to make Election Day possible! Our poll workers start their day at 6:15 a.m. and work until 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. to ensure a smooth process. Their work, however, begins in the days and weeks leading up to the election. They come to City Hall for training and updates, work the early voting polls and offer their wisdom through experience to make things easier for our citizens to vote.
A special thank you goes out to the Everett High School students who worked the polls this year. The students assisted in helping with language interpretation, checked in voters and performed all the duties and functions of the full-time poll workers. Our long-term poll workers were grateful for their help and found their enthusiasm for the process hopeful. We are grateful for their participation and hope that they will continue to stay active and involved in the community and the election process.
Additional thanks to the Everett Police Department and the officers who worked diligently to ensure that every vote was counted, and every precaution was taken to maintain voting integrity.
Finally, we want to express our gratitude to the staff of the Elections Office and City Clerk’s office, who make our jobs so much easier with the outstanding work they perform in the lead up to the elections. They put in countless hours preparing all the necessary materials, assisting the candidates, and responding to inquiries from the public. It is impossible to put into words the amount of work involved and how thankful we are to them for their commitment.
Congratulations to all for a job well done!
Election Commissioners
Brian McCarthy
Patti Cheever
Lucy Pineda
Danielle Pietrantonio
Director of Elections