Last week the George Keverian School PTO on Nichols Street hosted their annual fall festival. The PTO and the school staff combined to make this event possible.
Sofia Soares, Marcela Paulo and Khavka Paiva enjoyed the petting zoo.Azhanty Marte decorates her pumpkin.Josselin Lazo and Genesis Zavaler LazoENJOYING PIZZA: Tairine Alves Freitas and Arthur.Some kids posed with the donkey at the Keverian School Fall Festival.Carla Flores got a surprise hello from the llama.Lucas Olevera is shown with a new goat friend.Keverian School sixth grade teachers Ashley Mulligan and Allie Creighton“HAPPY FALL Y’ALL”: Isabelle Ramos, Sophia Fonseca and Jessica Ramos.Tonya Walton and Londyn HarrellSFC Jamie Chambers with Keverian School Principal Alex Naumann and his children, AJ and ClaraComing off the slide: Chris Roberts with Noah Garcia.The Army National Guard: Spec. Tom Marhoffer, PFC Tyler Galvez, SFC Jamie Chambers, SPEC Liam Wright, PFC Dave Laguerre.Abdu Sofia rode the pony.Marcia Isabelly enjoyed the afternoon festival.Journee Wallace is shown at the Keverian Fall Festival.