Mayor Carlo DeMaria recently invited the Everett Recreation fifth grade Travel Boys Basketball Team to Everett City Hall to congratulate them on remaining undefeated all season (20-0) to win the Massachusetts and New England Championships. The team was invited to enjoy pizza, soda and water in the Mayor’s conference room while chatting with him. The championship team presented Mayor DeMaria with a basketball signed by all of the players as a token of their accomplishment. They also talked about their season, what schools they are attending and how they are doing academically. Mayor DeMaria stressed the importance of reading as much as possible and doing well in school to be successful in anything they want to do.
At the end of the celebration, each player was presented with a citation to commemorate the significant milestone they all achieved together. Mayor DeMaria would like to thank the players, coaches and parents for visiting with him to say congratulations on their outstanding achievement.