No Gas Tax Suspension, No Tax Relief, and No Annual Budget
Boston – With 26 days until the 192nd legislative session comes to an end, the Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance commented on the fact that Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka still have not suspended the state gas tax, passed a tax relief package, or even passed their annual budget. The legislative session comes to an end on July 31. While it’s not uncommon for State House leaders to wait until the very last possible minute to pass controversial bills into law, the current leadership team cannot even seem to pass their basic budget, further demonstrating the depth of the current level of State House dysfunction.
“With only 26 days left in the legislative session, Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka seem to be already in vacation mode. They are ignoring their constituents’ calls for suspending the gas tax, ignoring efforts from the Governor and fellow legislative colleagues to pass any type of tax relief, and they remain so dysfunctional they cannot even pass their annual budget,” stated Paul Diego Craney, spokesperson of Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance.
“With 26 days left, the clock is ticking, and time is running out. Instead of passing legislation that would help ordinary middle class Massachusetts taxpayers, they are focused on fringe policies that have an outsized influence in Democratic primaries like passing drivers licenses for illegal immigrants,” continued Craney.
“There is also a looming ballot question this November proposed by the Speaker and Senate President which could increase the income tax by 80 percent on some high-income earners and small businesses. With the possibility of higher taxes down the road, and no action on tax relief right now, Massachusetts taxpayers should be ready for a very expensive 2023 if Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka continue to get their way,” concluded Craney.