Emilia Babcock sets the pace and scores a lay up to put Everett ahead in the first period.Jane Odiari (14) looks on as Tanaeja Elie (23) goes for a lay-up.Emilia Babcock kept the pressure high despite being down on the scoreboard.Tide’s Kayley Rossi makes her way to the basket.Tanaeja Elie chases down the ball during a turnover against Arlington.A high foul game leads Everett’s Emilia Babcock to the line multiple times throughout the night.Captain Kayley Rossi keeps the pace up all night as she flies past the Spy Ponders’ defense.Emilia Babcock shows no backing down despite being double-teamed.Everett’s Nehemie Lucien goes up for a rebound against an Arlington defender.Quick thinking by Nehemie Lucien leads to a scramble against the Spy Ponders.Tatiana Moran passes the ball from the top of the key against Arlington High School.Crimson Tide’s Emilia Babcock switches gears bringing the ball up center court.