The Everett Girls’ Softball Storm major league team and Mustangs minor league team clinched the championships at Glendale Park. Celebrating with a field day on Saturday, the Storm won 6-4 against the Banshees while the Mustangs beat the Stars 18-3.
Storm major league championship game
Storm Head Coach James Tiberii said the win was triggered by a great double play from Pitcher Sophia Clarke to First Baseman Alexa Morello to Catcher Emilia Babcock. Then, with the game tied 4-4 in the sixth inning, Storm Third Baseman Emma Longmore hit a two-run home run to take the lead 6-4. Kayleigh McMahon got the final runner out to clinch the victory, according to Tiberii.
Clarke’s pitching was outstanding, having six strike-outs, according to Tiberii. Tiberii also said they had great defense.
Displaying good sportsmanship, the Storm head coach gave a shout-out to Banshees Pitcher Bailey DeLeire, adding that it was a total team effort. “I’m so proud of the girls and the hard work they’ve put in all year long,” Tiberii said. “They finished the season strong.”
Mustangs minor league championship game
According to Mustangs Assistant Coach Mario Bonilla, the Mustangs Pitcher Arianna Bonilla hit two grand slams and allowed only two runs in four of the innings. Catcher Kaylin Rivera caught the whole game, and everyone got a hit. Shortstop McKenzie Rivera made a heads-up play to tag the runner going from Second Base to Third Base to end the game at 18-3 against the Stars.
Head Coach Jay Holt credited putting in practice, fundamentals and time as contributing to the win. “I’d like to congratulate the minor league champs, the Mustangs of Everett Girls’ Softball,” Holt said. “These girls had a good season with a great ending to bring home the crown for the 2021 season.”
Holt added that the girls worked hard this season through the wins and losses, keeping a level head and focused, with great results. He thanked asst. coaches Kerry Hutchinson, Mario Bonilla, team mother Kimberly Biggi and scorekeeper Patricia Hutchinson for a job well done.
Both teams clinched the championship title two years ago under Head Coaches Jim Tiberii and Adam DeCastro.
Mustangs Assistant Coach Mario Bonilla embraced his daughter, Arianna, with the trophy after they clinched the championship title. (Courtesy photo, Mario Bonilla)First place championship winner, the Mustangs Minor Leagues, on Saturday at Glendale Park: back row, pictured from left to right: Kaylyn Rivera, Jennafer Burke-Hutchinson, Ariana Osorio-Bonilla, Adriana Osoy, Jaime Burke-Hutchinson, Mckenzie Rivera and Bridgette Neary. Kneeling, from left to right: Grace Dresser, Jae’lei Biggi, Savannah Donnelly and Nevaeh Ward. In back, from left to right, are Assistant Coach Kerry Hutchinson, Head Coach Jay Holt and Assistant Coach Mario Bonilla.First place championship winner, the Storm Major Leagues, on Saturday at Glendale Park: Kneeling, from left to right: Sarah Tiberii, Emilia Maria-Babcock, Sophia Clarke, Jordyn Sikora, Kayleigh McMahon and Gianna Masucci. Top row, from left to right: Evelyn Gayhart, Asst. Coach Mike Masucci, Anaihaliz Riviera, Asst. Coach Nicholas Olson, Alexa Morello, Asst. Coach Peter Sikora, Head Coach James Tiberii, Emma Longmore, Maeve Hurley, Asst. Coach JT Morello and Lindsey Silva.Second-place play-off winner, the Banshees: Top row, from left to right: Bailey DeLeire, Sabrina Fallon, Alessandra Foster, Alana O’Brien, Bryanna Mason, Arabela Cvitkusic, Gabriela Maiuri, Gianna DiPaolo, Head Coach Michael Fallon and Asst. Coach Adam Foster. Not pictured: Asst. Coach Melissa DeLeire, Graziella Foster, Isabella Olivera, Juliette Romboli and Aliana Pierotti.Third-place play-off winner, the Warriors: Bottom row, from left to right: Gianna Darnell, Chloe Salvi, Angelina Papa, Arianna Rouse, Abigail Citro and Emily Green. Top row, from left to right: Asst. Coach Bill Seward, Kristen Marchant, Emma Salvi, Mae Kelley, Michaela Marchant, Ashley Seward and Head Coach Laura Fahey.Holding up “number one” – for the first place major leagues winner – are the Storms.The youngest players also received trophies. Front row, shown from left to right: Skylar Biggi, Serephina Fabrizio, Olivia Volpicelli, Ava Volpicelli, Lilah Wood, Alana Gutierrez and Kristina Dawadi. Back row, shown from left to right: Julietta Fabrizio, Head Coach Amie Acevedo, Madison Morrisroe, Tonia Walton, Tiana Walton, Natalia Morello, Madisynn Acevedo, Asst. Coach BrookeLynn Acevedo, Asst. Coaches Joseph Biggi and Sacha Biggi and Meckenzie Burke-Hutchinson.Fourth-place play-off winner, the Legends: Head Coach Andrea Fuccillo with Rileigh Kenney.Legends: Shown from left to right: Juliana Edwards, Jayla Davila, Alexa Uga, Stephany Desouza, Mia Oliva, Head Coach Andrea Fuccillo, Rileigh Kenney, Mia Allen and Alex DeMaria. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino)