Our children love sports – but the sad part is they have nowhere to play.
Parks are all in shambles. Example: Trafton Park and Salemwood – not used in 3 years. What is the problem here? Home taxes are very expensive. What are we paying for? For example: One or two baseball games have to be cancelled for 2 to 3 days due to flooding. Need Astroturf as other cities do. The fields are so bad in Malden. Example: Little League has a Jimmy Fund League Tournament every year for surrounding cities: Malden, Everett & Melrose. Malden teams had to play at Sacramone Park Everett because our Malden Parks were flooded. All games got in because they played on Astroturf. The children all loved it. No puddles, mud, etc.
No more practices, games, etc. called off for days because of puddles, mud, etc.
All parents from Malden had the same thing to say: Need lights, need Astroturf, need restrooms and no more cancelling practices and games.
What about Pearl St. Stadium, Rotondi Park?
Nothing appropriate for children 5-12 year olds! The children of the future.
Devir Park Batting cage. Someone should fix electrical box that has been broken for 1-2 years – needs a Guide so no one gets electrocuted!
By the way –
Thank you fans, and everyone who participated for the Jimmy Fund games–Tournament. Was a great weekend.
Especially Everett President George Castriano and Joe Young.
Ronald E. Butland